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cpr4life8 t1_ivq2xq8 wrote

This is exciting!


Ko-StanZa t1_ivre2kj wrote

We need to start talks about gun bans and seizures now that democrats are starting to take hold. Too many people have suffered for a white fantasy. With the help of the national guard and police we might be able to have a peaceful place for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ to live freely without fear of being gunned down. It might be our generation who sets the story straight. Lay them down or get put down.


MadWizard1 t1_ivrg0qe wrote

Lay them down or get put down.... This sounds significantly more aggressive than literally anything I've ever heard a gun owner say. I'm really not sure why you think gun owners are targeting anyone from the LGBTQ community. Maybe I missed it but haven't read anything about any specific incidents regarding this. Every gun owner I know really just wants to be left alone and avoid having to ever need to use their firearm for self defense. I find it interesting you want to provoke and take the fight to people who are simply minding their business and exercising their right....


Ko-StanZa t1_ivrh7o1 wrote

The fact they need a gun in the first place, you shouldn’t have to own a weapon in fear of your family or in fear of a racial attack or to be killed for your sexuality. Even the police shouldn’t need to fear every interaction could result in their death. And in a safe and secure nation I believe its citizens will trust their own government in protecting them and not rely on weapons of war to walk outside their home. The majority would give up their weapons and those who remain only have lived on the fantasies of using them against their government and their fellow citizens. Too unsafe to have walking about in a safe and secure America, a choice most Americans would agree is correct. Action beats reaction, you pull off a bandaid fast and it will only cause irritation for a second you pull it slow and you will suffer needlessly. God bless you and goodnight 🌙


MadWizard1 t1_ivrm9fl wrote

Point me to the safe and secure place you are referring to... It does not exist. Our nation is not safe and secure, Chicago has strict gun laws and the violent crime is one of the highest in the nation. The border is open allowing criminals and drugs to flow freely. Nations that have given up their firearms are at the mercy of their government to make "sound decisions" for their citizens. Regardless of your political views you can at least acknowledge that there are two very divided opinions on how the country should be run, should one side be at the complete mercy of the other? What sets America apart is the will of it's people, disarming the citizens strips then of their god given right to defend themselves (remember "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness"). The strength behind the will of the people is their ability to defend their freedoms. I shouldn't have to worry about my kids being indoctrinated in their school, I shouldn't have to worry about my kids being forced to be injected with a vaccine that poses a risk to their health.... And yet here we are.... Maybe we "shouldn't need guns", but nothing has indicated that is a reasonable world view.


cigarmanpa t1_ivrurmh wrote

As a queer gun owning liberal you’re out of your mind


No-Setting9690 t1_ivtee0a wrote

WTF!!! This is like the 10th message I've read today where what I can only assume is a Republican brings up guns when it's not even part of the context.

Is that all you think about?


Ko-StanZa t1_ivtyt39 wrote

Children getting killed in their classrooms or woman getting shot for going to the store yes, yes gun violence is a big deal and something we all have to worry about. I for one don’t like living in a third world country


No-Setting9690 t1_ivu01wz wrote

Do you know what the word context means? Go find the correct thread for this.