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NorvRodgers t1_ivwi066 wrote

According to his campaign ads, he would’ve secured the border, which is a high priority for the governor of Pa.


BRGobs t1_ivxw3jn wrote

Thank God I've had it up to here with those f***ing Delawarean refugees


96suluman OP t1_ivwo4oj wrote

Wouldn’t Pennsylvania become part of the confederacy?


IamSauerKraut t1_ivynbgk wrote

Joshua "Chamberlain" Shapiro stood on top of Little Roundtop and saved the Union.


scheenermann t1_iw3q2bh wrote

We share 42 miles of border with Canada in the middle of Lake Erie. We need to beef up the mighty Pennsylvanian navy so that this border is secure from any Canucks looking to sail across it!