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demityph t1_ivwehvm wrote

i don't know and i honestly don't want to know. all i know is that if he won, i would begin working on moving to either maryland or jersey immediately


96suluman OP t1_ivwevzx wrote

I’d imagine he would’ve credited god for his win, led his audience in prayer. In his inauguration he would’ve had prayer.

As governor he would have mandated fossil fuels and made Christianity the official religion of Pennsylvania.


millerwelds66 t1_ivwfmdr wrote

It’s in the past now we can move on from him just let him have storming the capital and the memories of all of us telling him we didn’t vote you in to office.


demityph t1_ivwg5jg wrote

oh absolutely. im more concerned for my personal safety given that im openly transgender. i feel like he'd probably get a slew of anti-trans/lgbt laws passed and him winning would certainly enable a lot of harassment towards people like me for the simple crime of existing.


MadWizard1 t1_ivwgc5m wrote

Hmmm he would've credited God.... The same God that's referenced in the pledge of allegiance and the declaration of independence? How taboo and appalling for someone to think of doing such a thing....


Trout-Population t1_ivwh29x wrote

An abortion ban would have been the biggest difference. Maybe he would have been like Corbett and fucked with education, but honestly I doubt things would have changed too too much.


blyssfulspirit12 t1_ivwhg89 wrote

I couldn’t even begin to imagine, though when I do try to imagine, the hypothetical state my mind conceives in that AU scenario makes me want to never take this universe’s PA for granted or say one bad thing about it ever again. Well… almost, haha (our roads still suck 😝).


NorvRodgers t1_ivwi066 wrote

According to his campaign ads, he would’ve secured the border, which is a high priority for the governor of Pa.


RubberChickenRacing t1_ivwrnij wrote

I’d be too busy packing to move out of PA to give a f**k about Mastriano. I’m already very disappointed that any Election Denier got ANY votes.


Varolyn t1_ivwthvo wrote

Somewhat serious, it would probably lead to a civil war in this country. I mean even now; the man hasn't conceded even though he has lost the election by over 14 points (so a landslide). His family and supporters still think that "God will lead him to victory."

But the nightmare scenario is that he would do a lot of unpopular things in the state, particularly for Philly, its suburbs, and Pittsburgh. He puts a sycophant in as the election general, does everything in his power to make PA unwinnable for Democrats. Kills the public school system. Philly and Pitt get pissed, and do a coup either with soft power to remove him from office, or literally is removed from his seat from Harrisburg. Chaos ensues since the GoP gets mad. Civil War 2.0 follows. US gets balkanized.

So in many ways, Shapiro's win saved the country. But like I said, this is just a what if nightmare scenario. There is a reason why Mastriano lost by the margin he did.


Varolyn t1_ivwyr34 wrote

He would've been far more sinister than that. He literally wanted to end democracy in Pennsylvania. Plus an abortion ban just leads to a slippery slope of other things getting banned i.e., birth control. I don't think people realize how off the rails the guy is.


goddoesntlikemycock t1_ivx5pf1 wrote

I’m planning to start some form of higher education for the spring semester. I have 2 places that I have been accepted to, one in PA and one in Maryland. If Mastriano had won, I would’ve taken the opportunity and gone to school in Maryland even though out of state tuition would’ve tacked on an extra 5 figures.


worstatit t1_ivxqmko wrote

Lots of taliban-like head loppings with his holy sword?


STLLC2019 t1_ivxqzw1 wrote

"Under God" WASN'T part of the original Pledge Of Allegience. It was ADDED in the 1950's as a part of the "Red Scare" propaganda campaigns against the "godless Soviets".

Even Jesus Christ said "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's, Render unto God that which is the Lord's", which MOST THEOLOGIANS translate as maintaining a separation between governance and faith.

Only religious fundamentalists and extremists insist that THEIR God must also be the Law of the Land.


beebsergeyser t1_ivy8hjm wrote

Women would be incubators for the commonwealth for at least the next four years.


SBPhilly93 t1_ivyvouz wrote

It would be like the alternate Hill Valley 1985 in Back to the Future Part 2, but bad.


My_WorkReddit2021 t1_ivyzehm wrote

> Imagine if Doug mastriano won

No thanks, I don't like committing emotional self harm this early on a Friday.


scheenermann t1_iw3q2bh wrote

We share 42 miles of border with Canada in the middle of Lake Erie. We need to beef up the mighty Pennsylvanian navy so that this border is secure from any Canucks looking to sail across it!