Pots_And_Pans t1_iyaxhvc wrote
First of all, it’s pronounced Iran, not Iran.
EDIT: Whoever downvoted this is either an Iran fan, or missed that interview yesterday.
Agent-Pierce- t1_iyai1yr wrote
Hersheys finest
UnKnOwN769 t1_iyal95k wrote
Sweetest place goal on earth
IamSauerKraut t1_iyawa2i wrote
Mighta destroyed his boys in the process... while sniffing those of the goalie...
Torbelson t1_iyb91qv wrote
Pennsylvania wins the world
snuffy_tentpeg t1_iyahdex wrote
ISmellMyWifesAss t1_iyas9xb wrote
And a beanbag injury to boot.
wubbalubbazubzub t1_iyblg8y wrote
A great day for Pennsylvania, and therefore the world.
Don_Keypunch t1_iyarxi3 wrote
Kicked him right in the ding ding
CBSP14 t1_iyaq9te wrote
And got his balls crushed for his troubles.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_iybj69g wrote
I think it would have been nicer for Iran to advance and give the team a wider forum to make their protests against the regime.
XavierRex83 t1_iydga1s wrote
People in Iran cheered them losing.
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iybh4oa wrote
Love to see it
boofBamthankUmaAM t1_iycgzhq wrote
This man continues to bring pride to PA soccer!
Time_investigator27 t1_iyctlgt wrote
and possibly lost a nut doing so. I hope he is alright
[deleted] t1_iybpum6 wrote
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_iybxhz1 wrote
Wonderful play - glad I never watched soccer before this world cup - so addictive!
SBRH33 t1_iycvpyj wrote
Imagine scoring the goal that sent innocent folks to their imminent torture, jailing or execution.
IamSauerKraut t1_iydl4qh wrote
I'd do it in a heartbeat. Players are not there to lose to advance the internal politics of another nation.
Plus, it quieted the critics who claim the lad is over-rated. Go USA!
waffle-pie t1_iyaplgo wrote
Not only scored, but he sacrificed his body during the goal and is currently in the hospital for an abdominal injury.
Hope he's alright and let's go USA!
Edit: update from USMNT: he's got a pelvic contusion and is day to day