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Inert_Uncle_858 t1_iw2kqb0 wrote

I'm also in Chester county, I drive by a massive "Let's go Brandon" Trump sign every day on the way to work. It's permanent, framed with wood and armored with wire fence on both sides. I don't think it's ever coming down.


lilacsandlightning t1_iw2w2fa wrote

Lol I’ve seen that one. That person put some effort into making that sign. Wish they spent that much effort fixing up their house


cpr4life8 t1_iw3caue wrote

This made me chuckle because I spend so much time in rural areas running my motorcycle and I see that all the time...people put so much time and effort into crafting these political messaging signs meanwhile their houses look like they should be condemned....


arkwald t1_iw4lc7i wrote

Its infantile, really no better than screaming because you are upset.


BoopBoop20 t1_iw4j2bw wrote

Anyone got a paintball gun…? Asking for a friend who may or may not live in Chester county…


Hi_There_Face_Here OP t1_iw2ldgj wrote

Lol. I was more talking about the shitty little plastic ones. Those big wooden ones, although ugly, aren’t going anywhere (also on private property I’d hope).


artificialavocado t1_iw3ehzr wrote

MAGA is basically their religion. “Owning the libs” is the holy sacrament.


Bloody_Smashing t1_iw2x2mo wrote

> I don't think it's ever coming down.

Depends on how far you can toss a Molotov cocktail.


Aes_Should_Die t1_iw3xiit wrote

There is one of those in my parents neighborhood. Like it’s a permanent structure. I thought it was a makeshift winter bus stop for kids at first. The guy must have been told he cannot have abusive language on it because you can tell he covered swear words about Biden with these little metal signs that have some insane diatribe on each


Aes_Should_Die t1_iw3xppw wrote

They must’ve been taught how to do that by Fox, Sinclair, or someone of that ilk.


LittleLowkey t1_iw51ovo wrote

phoenixville? lol we have one on a large lot at an intersection