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FairyFlossPanda t1_ixx1b6q wrote

Okay story time so a decade or so ago I was going to be a teacher. During my student teaching portion I made a work sheet for the class for students who were a little behind the oldest student was 18. This work sheet listed the leaders of WWII with instructions to fill in what they know about each. When I showed it to my supervising teacher she said and I quote "This won't work. You are going to have to explain to these kids who Hitler is." It broke me. I ended up dropping out due to a health condition soon after. The whole thing was a fucking diaster start to finish and in hindsight with my untreated anxiety and inability to say no without massive lev3ls of guilt I never should have been incharge of a classroom.


bk1285 t1_ixxi5i1 wrote

I used to teach govt to seniors…I would give them the citizenship test at the beginning of every year…it was not very pretty