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FairyFlossPanda t1_ixwlyn8 wrote

And this is how you get people who believe the Holocaust is made up and the Civil War was the War of Northern Aggression. Fucking A


berraberragood t1_ixwn7og wrote

Whenever someone says “Central Bucks has the worst school board!”, Pennridge takes that as a challenge.


Brunt-FCA-285 t1_ixwn8oh wrote

>> It is unconscionable that five members of the Pennridge School Board would even consider sending our students out into such a world handicapped by a lack of education in the very subjects they need to navigate their future.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that those five Pennridge school board members are Republicans.


RipTide275 t1_ixwnrsu wrote

Doesn’t make sense? What do they propose the students take instead of history?


dherrmann t1_ixwrq2r wrote

This is insane. I work in Information Security, and trust me, the lessons learned in Social Studies are used all the time.

This is how dictatorships grow - dumb down the electorate.


gderti t1_ixwunb6 wrote

Woke? As in understanding that our society and the world is moving forward NOT backwards? Understanding that a woman should have control of her body in all things? Understanding that racism should have no place in our society? Understanding that trickle down economics is bullcrap? Understanding that there south half of this country started a war to keep slaves as their sole source of free labor? Understanding that there is more world than three US? That people should be able to love and be whomsoever THEY choose so that they can be happy? What part of woke don't you like our want to pass down to our children?

And what does it have to do with the dumbing down of our children so that the GQP has willing and uneducated masses that will continue to buy into the MAGAt rhetoric and FauxNews propaganda...

Yes... Maybe it's time to wake the fuq up...


trexeric t1_ixwuwau wrote

There are no "gender classes" at the high school level anywhere, that's a myth peddled by the Right to drum up fear among their base.

In terms of what they would supposedly take instead, it's probably STEM related. A lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum have been pushing STEM in schools for a long time to the detriment of the arts and humanities, because it's seen as a more directly profitable skillset. What you lose, of course, is a well-rounded education, though many people don't seem to care.


KryptonicxJesus t1_ixwuznt wrote

Republicans are killing our education but even when I went 15 years ago I took AP Us and we never made it to Vietnam which was one of the essays on the test


FairyFlossPanda t1_ixx1b6q wrote

Okay story time so a decade or so ago I was going to be a teacher. During my student teaching portion I made a work sheet for the class for students who were a little behind the oldest student was 18. This work sheet listed the leaders of WWII with instructions to fill in what they know about each. When I showed it to my supervising teacher she said and I quote "This won't work. You are going to have to explain to these kids who Hitler is." It broke me. I ended up dropping out due to a health condition soon after. The whole thing was a fucking diaster start to finish and in hindsight with my untreated anxiety and inability to say no without massive lev3ls of guilt I never should have been incharge of a classroom.


stblawyer t1_ixx60os wrote

When Paul Clymer is the voice of reason we are well and truly fucked….


kalospkmn t1_ixx6v5y wrote

Pennridge used to be a good school. I guess it still is. But I keep hearing stuff in the news like they're trying to be worse. World history is definitely deserving of its own credit. Lumping it in with US history is ignorant. So many Americans already think we're the center of the world and don't realize how much happens and has happened elsewhere with or without US involvement.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixx7wxm wrote

Maybe you need a history lesson of all those countries in the past that removed history from the public square. It never ends well.

Have you ever been to Rome or Greece? They still have statues standing from thousands of years ago.


SubjectLast6251 t1_ixx9a43 wrote

Hmmmm I wonder how many of this board members are card carrying Republicans? Easier graduation requirements, less knowledge = more graduates get right to the workforce quiet and happy with crappy conditions and pay


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixx9vwb wrote

They were there long before we trained them to kill the Russians in the 70s. They just expanded their territory after Russia pulled out.

The same happened in Cambodia during the 70s. There they condemned the older people to slave labor and concentration camps because they knew the history.


or10n_sharkfin t1_ixxckyt wrote

This is why elections for your local school board are important, people. Otherwise you get a bunch of idiots hopped up on conspiracy theories sitting on the authoritative body that determines what your kids learn in schools.


defusted t1_ixxd6sw wrote

Oh look, pennridge is at it again. Well it's easier to convince people that Hitler did good things for Germany if you don't have pesky teachers telling kids about all the evil shit he did. They can just keep saying "it's heritage not hate"


RipTide275 t1_ixxfbvs wrote

Pennridgw stayed open when most of Bucks lock d the kids out. Their students are already ahead. Guess they can afford another study hall


bk1285 t1_ixxhulg wrote

Nah see there is a difference…those people will be remembered in history textbooks and museums where they belong, not to be celebrated in public squares or by having buildings named after them


Is_this_social_media t1_ixxiacl wrote

The Pennridge school board is aggressively dismantling public education. I wish I lived in the district and could vote these loons out when their term is up next year!!!


gunja1513 t1_ixxj7nv wrote

We need to end the practice in PA that school board members are non-partisan and run without party. You want Pennsyltucky red teachers make it clear that’s what your voting for. You want Pittsburgh suburb blue put it on your sign.


DocJHigh t1_ixxjqp6 wrote

This is my alma mater, it would be sad to see the reduction in history for a group a students that already don’t get enough education on the subject


bk1285 t1_ixxlh1t wrote

No one who committed treason and took up arms against our country should be honored by having buildings or military installations named after them…the only honor they deserve would be having a latrine named after them. They should just consider themselves lucky the govt took a peaceful transition approach…every confederate should have been hung


That_Girl_Cray t1_ixxm1hq wrote

I watch their school board meetings on YT. Which is kind of random cause I'm like an hour away and it's not like I'd ever be able to live the area. It seems like a really great school district with a lot to offer. The kind of school I wish I could have been able to go to back in my day. I don't get why this is being pushed so hard. Banis-Clemens keeps saying it's about giving the kids more of a choice. That the way it is currently limits their options especially for tech school students. But that doesn't seem to be a major issue for students as far as I can tell from watching. I saw when the teachers and current/previous students spoke out against this and when the social studies teachers explained how much this is going to effect the whole curriculum and how they teach all the way down to the middle school level. I didn't anyone speak in favor of it. Not only does there seem to be no real reason for it especially a good enough reason for such a big change. But it sounds like such a good overall curriculum that really gives them a good history education and history is important for all students.


redwood-z208umr t1_ixxqxlg wrote

Are these 5 members of the school board long standing community residents? Sounds like transplants that are so bent on moving into an area and destroying the strengths and pride that Upper Bucks school district once had years back. Too concerned in the size of the football field instead of the measurable size of the knowledge the graduating students enter the world with.


sauerakt t1_ixxrgrn wrote

Please research John Taylor Gatto's work. Government schools are not for education. They are Prussian based outcome indoctrination programs designed to produce obedient, thoughtless, emotionless, and androgynous blind order followers in order to harvest energy from for the benefit of the Satanic rulers of this planet.


AlbrechtSchoenheiser t1_ixxz0p1 wrote

The Pennridge school board was infiltrated by the radical right. Multiple times they have had to change their own policies because their own lawyers tell them "you can't do that." That district is a shit show now.


dclxvi616 t1_ixy3by9 wrote

>Pennridge community members have always valued an educational system that encourages students to achieve high levels of success.

Not enough to elect a school board that shares those values, apparently.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixyfv21 wrote

Who is talking about the Civil War. I'm talking about the people that made this country. You know Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

Oh and we needed the civil war to make it the US.


yadda4sure t1_ixylf0u wrote

Because you don’t celebrate shitbags. That’s what got us to this fucked up situation. Yes we learn about them and how awful they are, just like Hitler, but we don’t celebrate awful with statues.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixylly7 wrote

You never learned about them. If you did, you wouldn't refer to them as shitbags.

We wouldn't have gotten our independence from Britain without them. But go on with tour narrow minded view.

I see the current educational system is turning out some real winners. So we need to have a stronger Social Studies and Civic lessons.


yadda4sure t1_ixym7fg wrote

There’s a big difference between the few isolated cases where people want to remove the statues of Washington or Jackson (who HAD SLAVES) because they believed in the horrific institution of SLAVERY.

CONFEDERATE officer’s were TRAITORS of this nation.

Emphasis added for your stupidity.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixymg6f wrote

You meant to say Jefferson (who had slaves). Anyone who studies history knows he did. It wasn't uncommon for people to do that then.

Jackson and what he did do the Cherokee Indians is just horrible.


Time-U-1 t1_ixymvwq wrote

I think you are talking about private school education where the kids are taught that they have no rights and won’t be believed when they are abused by staff.


Thecrawsome t1_ixynkh0 wrote

"Antisocial studies" should be the new name of the Bible.


DavidLieberMintz t1_ixynkig wrote

You watch too much fake news and it shows. Since when did teachers start class by saying "okay everyone, now pull out your monument to Jackson and let's begin." We use books, genius. Public places should be used to honor people whose values along with our society today. Don't get triggered because we decided to remove statues of traitors lmao.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixyob30 wrote

I only mentioned Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln as people that shouldn't be removed. I'm glad you think I was talking about people I wasn't. I wouldn't classify those 3 as traitors but go on and give me a history as to why those 3 would be classified that way?

Fake news? Or propaganda? It's very difficult today to find real news sources that aren't trying to shape people's opinions instead of putting the information out there and let people come to their own conclusions. I'm old enough to remember what constitutes a journalist they are few an far between today. If they put out the real news they get hammered by either the left or right.


SenseiT t1_ixyoghr wrote

Republicans fear an educated population. Educated people demand more from their governments.


pnvrgnnltUdwn t1_ixyrmeo wrote

I don’t really have a consistent news source and I don’t feel any kind of way about missing statue news in general. However, I assume you are a states rights guy; a local, small government guy, but you want to judge these people for making a decision as a community? Washington and Jefferson did nothing more than create a tax haven for other wealthy white men. They didn’t care about any other demographic. They weren’t heroes. They didn’t do any actual fighting. They sent poor farmers to war on their behalf and ripped off the Magna Carta.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixysqb0 wrote

"Likely" but no way to confirm that.

Yes he owned slaves but that wasn't uncommon for large property owners back then.

He also sacrificed much of his life for this country. He set a president by stepping down as a leader of a country which had never happened before. Was he a perfect person without flaws? Nope


StatisticianSure2349 t1_ixyt3fj wrote

If you dont know your past your bound to repeat it. And not in a good way


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixytefc wrote

You really should do some reading on Washington. Your view of him would change after all the sacrifices he made for this country.

Yes, Washington did do fighting and those he lead volunteered to join they were only forced when they weren't being paid by congress when they were staying the winter near Morristown, NJ.

The Statues were removed by a select few not by the masses.


minneapple79 t1_ixyzdqs wrote

Schools don’t really get to Vietnam. US history classes normally top off at the Civil Rights movement. You get many years with a heavy focus on the pilgrims/early America, Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War II.

Also Vietnam is such a complex issue that I don’t think it could be properly taught in a high school history course.


Embarrassed_Bee6349 t1_ixyzp7u wrote

The fact that they’re doing something illegal and bum-rushing the process definitely makes me think it’s an attempt to whitewash the social studies program.

After all, we can’t teach children key points of history regarding race, genocide, racism, bad political decisions based on all of the above AND discuss them in depth. It might hurt their fragile little minds and make them ashamed to be be Caucasian. /s

The needs of the students mean nothing when board members have an ax to grind. That should be a firing offense.


OhioJeeper t1_ixyzxr2 wrote

Hard disagree, John Brown was hung for treason.

This simple "everyone is either all good or all bad" type of thinking is exactly why we shouldn't be cutting education requirements in history and civics lol.


bk1285 t1_ixz3ite wrote

Who is taking Jefferson or Washington’s name off of anything?

You realize Lincoln was like almost a 100 years later than Washington and Jefferson right?

We didn’t need a civil war, the south choose to have one. If anything the southern states got off extremely lightly


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_ixz4gdt wrote

The Civil war was necessary to form the US. Any new States added the North wanted to prevent them from allowing them to become slave states.

Yes Im aware of the gap between the Revolution and the Civil war.

Jefferson was already removed from a school in NJ and of all colleges UVA is trying to remove his name (the college was founded by Jefferson)

San Franciscos board of Ed is removing both names George Washington and Jefferson off of buildings.


RedneckLiberace t1_ixz7qiv wrote

Pennsylvania made a law that provides public paid busses for private schools back in the 1960s. We had public schools that taught history, civics and the arts back then. It's all downhill since public schools began to be defunded. Want to send your kids to a private school? Do it on your own dime.


bk1285 t1_ixza831 wrote

What is wrong with the north wanting to prevent new states that were added from being space states?

You realize the civil war was the founders fault…they did the equivalent of “fuck it the next person in can deal with this mess”


chemgeek_2 t1_ixzca9d wrote

The last year has made me eternally grateful that I chose to leave Perkasie when I was looking for a house/school district...JFC.


bk1285 t1_ixzh1z3 wrote

The country never outlawed slavery as a whole until the 13th amendment…hell space states fought for the north. The border states even after the emancipation proclamation were allowed to keep their slaves as that only applied to states in rebellion to the government. Yes individual states in the north ended slavery but it wasn’t on the whole. The south became a little bitch and afraid that Lincoln would end slavery and tried to leave the union and opened war on the north. Hell for the first almost 2 years of the war, the south would have been able to rejoin the union without losing slavery…the south is the ones who in the end made it all about slavery but that’s just revisionist history on the losers part. The confederacy was a bunch of whiny brats


Atrocious_1 t1_ixzkljo wrote

>The board has refused to form a committee of stakeholders consisting of board members, teachers (including those of other disciplines other than Social Studies), administrators, and community members to investigate the wisdom of their proposed change.

This is so blatantly transparent at this point.


susinpgh t1_ixzmbe0 wrote

I read something the other day about some laws still being on the books because they only apply to prisoners. They kept those so that legally they don't have to pay for prison labor.


BurghPuppies t1_iy0ebg5 wrote

No no no, I never said I wanted to limit anything. You were criticizing people on the left for always wanting to update things, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy by stating that unless you update bear arms to “today’s standards”, the only thing 2A would protect is muskets.

You can’t have it both ways; either the constitution and legal precedents are living breathing principles, or they’re not — We’re bound by their EXACT words. Which is it?

SPOILER ALERT: Your argument is screwed either way. Have a nice day : )


BurghPuppies t1_iy0etmy wrote

LOL, what? Tell me about all these countries who “removed history from the public square”, and how it precipitated their downfall. Please cite cause & effect, not just two unrelated facts. Also… please make them actual facts. I know ya’ll struggle with that.


BurghPuppies t1_iy0i6xt wrote

Smart enough to know “your” from “you’re”. And the difference between “miserable” and “miserably”.

Also, I was asking you, an “individual”, to choose one. And you couldn’t because that fence you’re sitting on is jammed up your butt.


BurghPuppies t1_iy0oqj4 wrote

And arms at the time were muskets. So, if you are against people applying “today’s standards”, that means we should apply the standards of when it was written. Therefore, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free state, the right of people to keep and bear muskets, shall not be infringed.” Using the standard of the time, of course : )

See how that works?

Next will we be debating wearing clothes made of multiple fabrics, touching a dead pig, and working on the Sabbath? Can’t wait!