Revolutioneerie t1_iwe4clm wrote
I used to be on United Healthcare Community, and they covered my PCP, Gyno, medexpress and Psychiatrist visits completely. Most of the places in my area stopped taking UHC, so i switched to UPMC for You -- they've been just as good if not better about covering everything (and they have a YMCA or gym membership for an additional 25 a month, which is super nice)
G1naaa t1_iwe99bh wrote
Same. On it right now as a student. It is such a huge relief they cover everyyythinggg. Ive never had to pay a copay or if I ever did for prescriptions it was literally a dollar. Emergency visits, specialists, pcps, all available at no cost
LowNo5584 t1_iwe4zh6 wrote
I use UPMC as secondary for medical to Medicare (GMC Gold), they are good.
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