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Riverrun221 OP t1_iwebz40 wrote

This scares me a bit. I have bipolar disorder and rely heavily on Lithium and an antipsychotic. I will have a 60 day supply of meds but I’m scared that I won’t get care and go off my meds


linkdudesmash t1_iwed1vv wrote

If you know where you are moving maybe you can start calling now for lead times?


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwee2pj wrote

I will try. I have to have the insurance though I think before I can make an appointment. But I will do the footwork. Thank you


largeroastbeef t1_iweh0bz wrote

A lot of times I didn’t show insurance until my appointment I just explained what I will have


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwf6v18 wrote

Lithium & risperidone are on the list of meds you can get at Walmart for $4. If that isn’t that anti psychotic you take you should be able to get your lithium at least, insurance or not. If it takes awhile to get Medicaid set up just have your CA doc prescribe lithium and send it to Walmart and then you should be able to get your meds.


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfk5v7 wrote

HOLY SHIT this comment!!! Thank you SO MUCH. This piece of information is very important to me. Going of my lithium would be my worst fear. Thank you so much


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwfq2lf wrote

You’re welcome! There’s also GoodRx that can usually get you pills super cheap. Pharmacies may try & discourage you from using it. Push back a little. They don’t like GoodRx cause they lose money. Sucks to be them, I’m not gonna die because some insurance company’s ceo needs a new yacht.


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfqo79 wrote

Haha exactly. Thank you so much. Your comment really was the most important out of all 84 comments because I know wherever I am , if there is a Walmart nearby I will be able to have my medication. That is huge


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwfqyo6 wrote

Aww you’re so welcome. There are other types of meds on that list as well. Weis (local grocery chain) also does something like Walmarts program. I can’t remember their prices though. Also coming from CA to PA, medical marijuana cards are easy to get lol


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfr104 wrote

Yes they have my thyroid medication and so many others! And you bet your ass I’ll be getting my medical card hahah


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwfr5t8 wrote

Those kinda programs are great options!! And look for the Pa medical marijuana page. Great discussion area for medicine in PA.


Gemsofwisdom t1_iwinby7 wrote

If you're low income, disabled, veteran, or a senior you can get discounts to get your card and to get medicine from some dispensaries. So make sure to ask.


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwfr9ld wrote

Btw what brings you to PA?


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfrngt wrote

my boyfriend is from Newark, and so we are just making the move together, his best friend lives in Allentown in a nice condo and has a large cozy room for us for very cheap. More opportunities out there for what he does. He wants to be home and I’ve never experienced the east coast really. So I’m doin it and I’m very excited. I’ve listened to the song Allentown by Billy Joel a bunch of times and have been researching nonstop . I’ve had a bad year and this is gonna be good for me .


TyeDyeAmish t1_iwfs3l9 wrote

My “brother” lived up in Allentown so I’ve been there a bunch. I live in Lancaster now. Home of the Amish. Allentown has some cool stuff. Look up White Castle. It’s delicious! That sounds cool though, you’ll defintely experience the east coast out here. Sorry you’ve had a rough year. Me too. Hope it starts getting better :)


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfs83e wrote

I think it will be cool when I see Amish people! And I want to go to the farmers markets. Hope next year is better for you as well!


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfkk80 wrote

Also I looked it up and they also would cover my thyroid medication. This eases my mind so much