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IamSauerKraut t1_iwso8um wrote

>with the governorship and one house of Congress, they can put pressure on the Senate.

Your words.


ButterscotchFrosty85 t1_iwsrful wrote

You've done nothing but be super negative through this thread. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


IamSauerKraut t1_iwszqgl wrote

I tend towards the factual. I've had enough of "alternative facts."


ButterscotchFrosty85 t1_iwt0zx6 wrote

You should tend towards self awareness


IamSauerKraut t1_iwt9lwg wrote

gratuitous commentary appears to be your strong point.


ButterscotchFrosty85 t1_iwu6htw wrote

And being a prick is yours

Edit: Thanks for reporting me as a self harm risk. You really are pathetic.


UncomfortablyNumb43 t1_iwxcr69 wrote

You do realize that an ASSEMBLY and a CONGRESS are synonymous, right? You are simply being a fucking douchebag pretending that there is a difference.


IamSauerKraut t1_iwxe07l wrote

oooooo... now you've hurt my feelings.



UncomfortablyNumb43 t1_iwtya3x wrote

Actually, you tend towards the pompous by playing dumb semantics games…but you do you.


huzernayme t1_iwsow7o wrote

It would be a correct usage if it wasn't capitalized. A congress is any gathering of reps from anywhere.