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t1_iwsu6yx wrote

Be prepared for little to no cell reception. I would make sure to download or screen shot anything you might find useful later, such as maps, movies, addresses, ect. Thankfully we had a map with us because the GPS and cell phones were useless, that was years ago, so it could be better now. In our experience 4 wheel drive was a lifesaver due to most of roads (if you are there for hiking and views) are not paved, narrow, can’t be driven more than 25MPH. All that said, it is an amazing place to visit with an view if you are lucky enough to get a nice clear sky. Safe a d happy travels.


t1_iwt0wjl wrote

Cell reception is a bit better but do not trust GPS in Potter County. No winter maintenance roads and things that are very loosely defined as roads are an issue, sometimes it shows two roads connecting but what connects them is, in a word, aspirational at best.


t1_iwtlnas wrote

I can't speak for other carriers, but Verizon does work fairly well in Cherry Springs itself, but not too well on most of the routes in or out. I've heard people say they've had good luck with AT&T in the area.


t1_iww2ajd wrote

Verizon gets full bars at the park itself, but just a few miles away, it gets patchy.