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mister_pringle t1_iyjgpkg wrote


CQU617 OP t1_iyjk5vz wrote

Mostly R, but aren’t residents making some bank off fracking on their land too?


mister_pringle t1_iyjuwra wrote

No idea what that has to do with anything. I can't figure out what "40 years of Republican leadership" means in this context?


Dredly t1_iyk3a2y wrote

Which part? Pa congress control has been republican for 40 years+


mister_pringle t1_iykuuma wrote

Democrats controlled the House last in 2010 and the Senate in 1993.


Dredly t1_iyl3eo6 wrote

Senate was tied in 93, because some dude "switched parties"


mister_pringle t1_iymkdk6 wrote

And Democrats held the House and Governorship. Seems like a pretty strong position for Democrats.


Dredly t1_iyn3pmc wrote

your realize how silly that argument is right? the ONLY reason the Senate was Democrat is because a R wanted to make a statement and switched his party affiliation resulting in tie... he wasn't a democrat and didn't vote like one.


The last time Democrats held an actual majority was 1979, and they only held it during the 70's,


Democrats have only actually controlled the senate for 10 years in the states history


mister_pringle t1_iyna9p5 wrote

> your realize how silly that argument is right?

Not as silly as claiming the Republicans have controlled the PA government for 40 years.
I really don’t give that much of a shit.