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JacoDaDon t1_iyhsahz wrote

Name an ornament that isn’t a cash grab.


zorionek0 t1_iyhsigi wrote

My daughter gave me her hand made ornament from school like a sucker. She should have charged me for them like a good capitalist.


ArcOfADream t1_iyhwq1j wrote

Can I interest you in my line of summer camp ceramics class ashtrays? Because every parents' dream is to put out their smokes in a kid's hand imprint!


JacoDaDon t1_iyhxu6d wrote

She’s charging you, trust me…and she’s in it for the long haul.


cirenj t1_iyhxi0j wrote

The ones my kids made for me.... but keep trying


JacoDaDon t1_iyhxyiz wrote

Like I told the last guy…nothing your kids make you is free.


cirenj t1_iyhzbad wrote

Yeah.... whatever you say....


JacoDaDon t1_iyik3sg wrote

Bro. First of all, this post has nothing to do with handmade ornaments. This post is referring to ornaments that cost money. Congrats! You’re the 5,367,248,991st set of parents to receive a handmade Christmas ornament from your kid(s). I’m sure you’ll display it proudly as long as you can, as you should. That being said, their ornaments are irrelevant in this context.


GWSIII t1_iyi7lji wrote

Say that to my parents, who put the star ornament I made out of sticks in our yard on the tree lol.