Submitted by mjsisko t3_za9obu in Pennsylvania
LargeMarge00 t1_iykvutv wrote
What a joke.
tubesweaterguru t1_iyky0ge wrote
Something needs to be done, but this ain’t it.
somberblurb t1_iyl0d19 wrote
Just like "park closes at dusk."
Risingdemon911 t1_iyl0krn wrote
you guys starting to realize the government thinks its your mommy/daddy..
NewYork_607 t1_iyl3mel wrote
Man, I was about to do some wild shit but oh oh, the curfew just started. Man that sucks. Maybe tomorrow before 11 PM I will do some wild shit. Lol
[deleted] t1_iyl5lpy wrote
boomerinvest t1_iyl7igm wrote
Yeah riiiight! This will only be a thing if a Juvy gets in trouble with the law. They’ll add breaking curfew.
[deleted] t1_iyl7med wrote
underwear11 t1_iyl97g1 wrote
More like if someone that looks like they might be a juvy is out after 10pm they have probable cause to harass them.
p_britt35 t1_iyl9f95 wrote
Very good point!
ImOldGettOffMyLawn t1_iylkwcj wrote
Because that'll totally work.
mjsisko OP t1_iyluoja wrote
Op works and flies out of Philly often. OP travels a lot and sees Philly at all hours of the day. OP is also a voter in the state and cares what happens in other places.
[deleted] t1_iylzrw4 wrote
MrMcFunStuff t1_iym08mt wrote
Wouldn’t the cops have to do their jobs for this to matter?
spiderghouls t1_iym5v8f wrote
Uhh yeah man this has been a problem for a long time. It doesn't help that the general population acts like children.
spiderghouls t1_iym5z9o wrote
if you're gonna be out just steer clear of Dunkin donuts
spiderghouls t1_iym6efx wrote
I mean... What's the difference? Kids shouldn't be out all night. Id be more worried if this was for everyone but if parents and communities aren't going to take care of their kids then the government has to step in.
SamuelDoctor t1_iym6zd7 wrote
I'm curious to see whether and to what extent such a measure might impact violent crime. If this succeeds, Tucker Carlson will talk about it until he is in the dirt.
MunchyMcCrunchy t1_iym70od wrote
Are they going to hire a few thousand curfew officers?
nalgene_wilder t1_iym9mni wrote
PPD is overworked?
nalgene_wilder t1_iym9oir wrote
>More like if someone that looks like they might be a juvy minority is out after 10pm they have probable cause to harass them.
Grumpicake t1_iym9w5i wrote
Now I don’t live in Philly, but I feel like literally no one would ever respect this.
tracksuitaficionado t1_iyman4k wrote
Oh no they might have to put their phones down and get out of their cars???? The horror
curatedaccount t1_iymb5wy wrote
you starting to realize these people think the government is their mommy/daddy?
Hib3rnian t1_iymd59q wrote
It won't. But it looks good on paper and makes city council appear as if they're "doing something".
hostile_rep t1_iymela6 wrote
To make the police state more secure and protect people from Skittles.
Fantastic_Mouse_7469 t1_iymgl56 wrote
Something must be done as long as the police don't have the ability to abuse their power and God forbid, enforce the law.
According-Weird2164 t1_iymh3fm wrote
flaaaacid t1_iymhxgi wrote
LOL over worked. They're on soft strike, they don't do shit.
Psychedelic_Eyeball t1_iymj32y wrote
"City closes at dusk" lol
Entire_Ad_306 t1_iymlel6 wrote
What if they have to work and are just walking home after closing? They don’t deserve to be stopped
Aes_Should_Die t1_iymlkss wrote
Are they quiet quitting
IndependentCode8743 t1_iymn0kz wrote
What a joke… there are numerous studies that this does nothing to reduce juvenile crime nor crimes against juveniles. The police have much bigger problems to worry about…
IndependentCode8743 t1_iymn5yj wrote
Curfew has been ignored for decades. Also there is no punishment, so kids/parents aren’t going to care one bit…
IndependentCode8743 t1_iymndmu wrote
Wouldn’t there need to be some sort of punishment for the kids and their parents for this to matter? I mean taking the kid to an after hours center to play Xbox while waiting for their parents to come get them isn’t really an incentive to not roam the streets at night….
IndependentCode8743 t1_iymnop0 wrote
There is an exception for work… but we don’t enforce curfew anyway and there is no fine or punishment. Just politicians being political (i.e., not solving a damn thing)
Entire_Ad_306 t1_iymp1lb wrote
Yeah I see, but they can say almost anyone looks 17 to enforce stopping people for no reason. I was stopped years ago when I was 18 and they questioned the shit out of me. Fuck them.
Risingdemon911 t1_iympc8d wrote
Risingdemon911 t1_iympe3y wrote
see how mad people get? you only get that kind of reaction when you are right..
Risingdemon911 t1_iympjv0 wrote
anyone who doesn't understand they have a personal responsibility to withdraw support from harmful institutions is a child..
that probably makes over 90% of the population..
nalgene_wilder t1_iymre62 wrote
No, just quiet abusing disability benefits
chefmarksamson t1_iymzecw wrote
The point isn’t to punish kids. The point is to give cops probable cause to harass, search, and/or detain anybody they don’t like the look of after 10:00. Curfews are basically stop and frisk by a different name.
KingGranticus t1_iyn854u wrote
What it'll actually do is make it look like crime is up since they'll be detaining more people for this and then slapping charges on top of that when without a permanent curfew these kids never would have been stopped in the first place
IndependentCode8743 t1_iyn89vp wrote
I disagree. This is the same city council that passed a bill that prevents cops from pulling cars over for minor infractions such as expired tags because in their view it gave cops probable cause to harass black folks.
spiderghouls t1_iyn9gj9 wrote
I mean, fuck piggies, yeah. But also, fuck all these morons shooting everyone making people think we need more police and more fascist laws. It goes hand and hand. We have to prove to the government and to each other that we don't need them. There are still too many people who believe police actually protect them rather than property. If we make it more obvious that the blue line really is only there to separate the rich and the poor then we can make a better defined argument but we have to do better as a community first.
cjd5286 t1_iynatim wrote
Buddy I have a bridge to sell you if you think the PPD has been working hard.
SamuelDoctor t1_iynb1j1 wrote
If violent crime goes down, that is the only stat which will matter.
KingGranticus t1_iynbbmw wrote
No I'm saying it won't even do that. It'll inflate those numbers too. And that's what ghouls like Tucker Carlson want because that will fuel calls to bloat our police budget even more, so they arrest more people, so crime stats are up, so they get more funding, and you get the idea.
GoofWisdom t1_iynf36d wrote
Philly trying to improve the school to prison pipeline with a fresh take on stop and frisk? This sounds like a shit show waiting to happen.
SamuelDoctor t1_iyngq04 wrote
That's a distinct possibility, but you have to wonder, if the outcome is so obvious, why would the city council approve such a measure? Personally I think that there's still a lot to be learned about what kind of policing is actually effective these days. I understand that the research doesn't necessarily insist that any one approach has been proven best. Broken windows, community policing, and everything in-between have their advocates among serious criminologists.
It may well be the case that for this specific moment in the history of urban America, these kinds of curfews give police an opportunity to keep order. Obviously that may result in civil friction, especially where regular people get swept up in the drag net, but I've heard serious people start to wonder what ought to be done if these kinds of tactics won't work.
ilovelovegrapefruit t1_iynrqkm wrote
I'm from Philadelphia and the curfew was 11:00 when I was younger. I'm 35 now. The cops didn't "harass" us if we were out past midnight, but they did stop us and ask us where we were going/what we were doing and tell us to go home. I don't consider that harassment. As a teenager that was annoying, and we often ran from the cops if we heard or saw them coming. Sometimes we would get these yellow slips sent to the house stating we were out past curfew. We were never detained. A few times we were taken to the district to have a family member pick us up, and it was because it was around 3am/4am and we were far from home (30-60 mins walking), and were usually drinking. We sat in regular chairs and waited for a family member. Most kids will probably ignore the new 10pm curfew too. The solution starts at home. Parents need to be held accountable. But if that happens people will complain about that too. I'm just not sure what some of these comments are. Very dramatic.
Proper-Mirror-5397 t1_iyo1h6g wrote
No minors in philly were ransacking stores night after night and breaking into trailers and shit
calicoskiies t1_iyogsc4 wrote
No one does & literally no one cares. We got bigger fish to fry.
VampyrDarling t1_iyok9fj wrote
God forbid a couple of 17 year olds go out to a late night matinee.
ksquad80 t1_iyozy4j wrote
I got my gun in this back alley basement in Chinatown. It only works when I load after midnight and sprinkle a little water on there.
It's all over for me.
ImaginaryTaste3174 t1_iypt31f wrote
I grew up in Philadelphia. I thought there was a curfew for under 14 or 16 at 10:00 p.m. I don't think this will change anything. Every time I buy alcohol beer wine hard liquor they swipe my ID and I'm 68.
giantcucumbergrower t1_izbrlpe wrote
Oh so like a Sundown Town
WikiSummarizerBot t1_izbrn9n wrote
>Sundown towns, also known as sunset towns, gray towns, or sundowner towns, are all-white municipalities or neighborhoods in the United States that practice a form of racial segregation by excluding non-whites via some combination of discriminatory local laws, intimidation or violence. The term came from signs posted that "colored people" had to leave town by sundown. Entire sundown counties and sundown suburbs were also created by the same process. The practice was not restricted to the southern states, with New Jersey and other northern states being described as equally inhospitable to black travelers.
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giantcucumbergrower t1_izbs88l wrote
Either way this new law that is unrelated to expired tags lets cops literally stop anyone they want demanding proof of age
mjsisko OP t1_iyktrf3 wrote
Not sure how this will be enforced or if it will pass legal muster but something needs to be done in Philly.