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International-Trash- t1_iylypl8 wrote

He also blocked the va veterans bill*


106473 t1_iym6v7x wrote

That bill was doa anyways with the added pork in it. And the bill wouldn't have had to happen in the first place if the administration didn't nullify previous executive action's that helped with the costs of insulin.


International-Trash- t1_iym73ri wrote

Yeah I realized that I meant the va veterans bill, but my brain auto corrected to insulin because that's what I have been seeing.


106473 t1_iym7ee2 wrote

It's all good, Rand Paul once tried to get a line item bill passed that would make it so only one issue was in each bill but surprise surprise not passed.


SomePaddy t1_iymawxz wrote

Unpopular take: pork barrel politics used to be the driver of bipartisanship, and it's kind of a bad thing that it's gone.

You don't like voting to support sick leave for rail workers? No problem, you can say that your reluctant vote was because the bill also provided funds for a bridge in your state... Kind of transactional and gross but it made for more give and take on both sides.


106473 t1_iymbzs8 wrote

No, it's caused more divide than anything to allow party politics to dictate "give and take" with our society. You either vote for the bill or not on it's merits not because you get something out of it.
