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hoov3r707 t1_iyotlnj wrote

This is directly across from Heimbach’s Country Store on Mill road. Pretty sure it’s an old mill of some kind, not sure much more than that. I grew up in Selinsgrove and used to access Penn’s creek right behind this building.


TRJF t1_iyp1mmp wrote

Me too, used to go down and catch fish by the old Humpback Bridge. Am I making this up, or was that whole wall in the pic covered with ivy for a long time?


Steelplate7 t1_iyqtwkt wrote


EDIT: yeah…I think it was. I can’t remember which side(creek or road) it was covered. But now? There’s a UUUUGE Trump sign on the road side.


imamunster123 t1_iyrwlzb wrote

I'm from Selinsgrove and was so confused that I didn't recognize it until you said it's the one across from Heimbach's, then I immediately realized what building it was haha. Spent a lot of time putting in and getting out of kayaks there.