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xAsroilu OP t1_j2ev2p0 wrote

You can but if you're all about the health benefits from it, you could probably damage it. Probably best for the bottom or back of the fridge storage


medium_green_enigma t1_j2ew3zx wrote

Not worried about the health benefit, I just hate to waste it and know I won't eat all of it. That's the downside of living alone, being responsible for all the leftovers.


Wonderful-Comment314 t1_j2exlvi wrote

Get a jar instead of a bag. It'll keep in the fridge for quite a while.


medium_green_enigma t1_j2f0s28 wrote

I should have done that. Alas, I bought a bag. Maybe my landlord will eat some.

In the grand scheme of things, it won't be the most expensive thing I've ever thrown out.


xAsroilu OP t1_j2exa36 wrote

I wouldn't freeze it for long, personally. But it's up to you!