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jwill602 t1_izcm3ni wrote

I wouldn’t call it a megacorp. Seems like they owned around 20 restaurants.


SamuelDoctor t1_izeouuh wrote

McDonalds is a megacorp.


guyandadog t1_izeppq0 wrote

Yes but not all McDonalds are owned by McDonalds bud


SamuelDoctor t1_izeqd3x wrote

It's not that cut and dry, legally, when it comes to labor practices:

Now, the NLRB did rule against the plaintiffs in this case, but depending on the circumstances, McDonald's the corporation could ostensibly be held liable for the practices of their franchises.


guyandadog t1_izeqznt wrote

Im aware, im just making the point that when people yell "FUCK ALL CORPORATIONS THEY DESERVE TO DIE" they usually have no idea theyre talking about small business owners that are franchisees with a few stores


SamuelDoctor t1_izfqgvx wrote

That's odd. I don't recall expressing that sentiment in my comment. Maybe you added that in an assumption?

Also, I think it's fair to question whether or not restaurant franchises, however small, are actually beneficial in communities. Slaveholding was a small business in many parts of the antebellum south. Small business isn't inherently good or bad simply because it is small.


guyandadog t1_izhemj2 wrote

Hence me saying "people" and not "you". And yes, youre correct, it is fair to question businesses, but it's pretty lame to lump anyone that has a business in with a generalized hate for large corporations. So thats exactly what im saying, question businesses, but dont have a knee-jerk hateful reaction to anyone that owns a thing


SamuelDoctor t1_izfr4cj wrote

Twenty restaurants would entail how many employees, do you suspect? Let's be very conservative, and assume that each restaurant has a dozen workers (it's likely many more than that). You've got 240 employees. You're not really a small business in any genuine sense anymore. Your revenue is probably running into the tens of millions of dollars per anum. Relative to large businesses, are your workers being compensated well relative to the value they are producing? Almost certainly not.