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karabo29 t1_j1llbyo wrote

you are for sure over reacting. I can't believe the amount of posts I've seen about this on this subreddit. Obviously, the letter is a blanket suggestion for everyone. If enough people take it seriously it'll ease strain on the electric grid during these freezing temps. Some of you are so first world it is disgusting. Be thankful you even have reliable power in the first place. Yes this is America, yes your paying for it blah blah blah. Downvote the shit out of me. For real, its just a heads up letter with the intention of saying, "hey if you strain the electric grid too much in these temps power will go out." Not hard to understand. Fucking hell.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_j1m1nl7 wrote

If I told a customer to order less because I didn't feel like doing more I'd be fired. So how about we work on getting a better electrical provider?


Snoo-65388 t1_j1mazq8 wrote

You think that can be done overnight?


Dr_Worm88 t1_j1mkg3v wrote

You think they had no idea leading up to this winter that things would be cold and electricity might be used to alleviate that?

No they definitely had no time ever to prepare for this.


P3as_And_Carrots t1_j1mv067 wrote

Yea, I get that, but I’m sure they all new this would be a possibility. Too many companies are trying to upgrade everything to be electric, yet won’t update the infrastructure. And hell yeah I expect better. We are supposed to be a developed nation and we have the capabilities to do better. I’m worried more people aren’t pissed off.

This will continue to get worse if our country doesn’t actually do something. We won’t be able to use fossil fuels as a backup forever.


newworldman1070 t1_j1lrrm3 wrote

Too many people rely on others for their every day necessities. No one is prepared for anything.

I have a wood stove, If my house is cold, it’s my fault. No one can come to me and say, “listen, your neighbors didn’t cut enough firewood last year and they are going to run out, please don’t burn as much so they can have some.”

When hearing of the impending storm and high winds, I ran our generator for a bit, refilled our 25 gallons of water jugs for flushing toilets etc, topped off our oil lamps/lanterns and made sure we had plenty of fuel for the generator.

I don’t know when everyone became so helpless.


Amazing_Rutabaga4049 t1_j1ltl7d wrote

Oh so reliant on yourself, but yet still here interacting with other people why?


PawBandito t1_j1mb9zw wrote

How dare they talk to people lol

The people in this thread are something else.


Fiesta412 t1_j1r1iy5 wrote

I hate judging but I am a business owner. There are adult people that have no idea how to care for themselves. There are days when our staff is laughing at requests & others where we are genuinely afraid or sad.

The idea that someone maintains their own home is absolutely a weird concept for so many.


Amazing_Rutabaga4049 t1_j1mf6ep wrote

He is complaining about people relying on regulated utilities and how they need other people to survive. His interaction with people he dislikes acknowledges that his point makes no sense. Because he is relying on other people, the same people hes complaining about.


Fiesta412 t1_j1r0vo2 wrote

Because thats what people do. Even if someone is self reliant, it doesn't meant they are a sociopath living alone & shunning the world. Common sense. It is someone who takes care of themselves & others they care about.

From my experience & community, most people are quite social who are self reliant.


newworldman1070 t1_j1lu1hf wrote

Interacting with others on Reddit is hardly a necessity. It has nothing to do with making sure my family and I are warm, fed and have shelter.

It’s a time killing luxury, that isn’t needed to survive.


Amazing_Rutabaga4049 t1_j1lubpg wrote

Are you prepared for a nuclear apocalypse? Clearly you rely to much on your government to protect you.


Amazing_Rutabaga4049 t1_j1lu7vr wrote

But here you are here on christmas day so clearly you rely on it or you dont like your family on christmas?


newworldman1070 t1_j1lucp9 wrote

Little ones are still fast asleep. Barn work has been done, firewood has been brought in, just killing time for the time being.