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newworldman1070 t1_izev6c2 wrote

It’s a good start, now if we can get NYC to stop pilfering millions of gallons out of it.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izf3f0b wrote

It would indeed. But America has a poor record of not poisoning its citizens. Take asbestos, for instance. Even after the New Yorker articles in c. 1973 and even after it was declared outlawed in the late 80's, it continued and continues to be used in the US. We breath it all in.


newworldman1070 t1_izf84xs wrote

Like I understand that people have to have water, and in many settings, you have a city that pulls water out of a drainage, and then is adding treated wastewater back into the system a bit further down.

In the case of NY, all their water is pulled from high up in the Delaware river basin and is discharged into the Atlantic, never returning any treated wastewater back to the Delaware. This as a result, since the lower Delaware is tidal, is pushing the salt line further and further up river every year.


Empty_Nest_Mom t1_izflgtp wrote

Thanks for posting those articles -- I'm mostly PBWF, so I don't disagree with any of it.

What I'm confused abt is that your comment abt banning unhealthy foods tied to frakking wastewater and water diversion comments. Couldn't see the connection.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_izfnee4 wrote

We are poisoned by many things in our everyday life. Most we do so willingly not knowing the harmful effects.

They want to ban the use of natural gas and oil. In the Northeast part of the country we need that for heating all the existing homes and building. I know there are alternatives but whos going to pay the home owner to make the conversion? It's not cheap at +10k per house.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izg7qz9 wrote

Organic lettuce is supposed to be inexpensive and healthy.

But allow me to introduce you to Mr. Sal Monella. And Liz Steria.

Everything has a problem with it. And at the end of our stay here, none of us escape this life alive.


LowNo5584 t1_izgjx6m wrote

This is still an issue. I thought the left banned fracking 8 years ago. Banned drilling 2.5 years ago. Started strangling the economy by handcuffing energy companies. A fact I'm reminded of every time I fill my car or open the PP&L bill. And a new price hike on 12/1 will make things worse. Heat or eat. Inlyta or food.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izgu4zz wrote

So, someone dumped a comment at me privately, too cowardly to post in public, so I'll post:

"This is still an issue. I thought the left banned fracking 8 years ago. Banned drilling 2.5 years ago. Started strangling the economy by handcuffing energy companies. A fact I am reminded of every time..."

The folks of Dimock would like to have a talk with this drilling company shill. He claims the "energy companies" are handcuffed... by what, obscene profit statements? Too bad they had to change names and now get to pay out for the massive environmental damage they caused.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izjfwm8 wrote

Sounding like a guy who does not know the particulars of something that occurred years ago. That "jogger," btw, endorsed the guy whose election is causing you to act like a child.

You may have the last word.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izjk9xq wrote

Why send me a PM in which you call me a "fucking moron"? Do you lack the courage to say it out loud in public?

Allow me to make it clear: not allowing frack waste water to be dumped into watersheds or public water supplies is a smart move that causes no increase in the price of gasoline (which is not the product of fracking). Nor does it "handcuff the energy companies."

There is no good reason for the current massive increase in the price of fuels - diesel, gasoline, propane, natural gas, etc. The increase is due solely to KSA's manipulation of oil supplies and because of corporate greed. Those oil/gas execs love their million dollar quarterly bonuses.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_izjpqd8 wrote

Fact: fracking is not being shut down in PA. Go to the primary fields in western PA and see how full-tilt it is out there. Look at how much is being pumped thru pipelines in central PA (W-E and N-S oriented) to see how it is NOT being "shut down."