Submitted by ViolettheJerseyNun t3_zg7wv0 in Pennsylvania
I can’t get anyone on the phone (I’m heading down to my local CareerLink now) and I just got laid off yesterday so sorry if I’m a little frazzled.
I filed my claim online this morning and put it my wages for the job I had from July of last year to June of this year, from which I voluntarily resigned. (I said as much on the application.) I was at my new job for four months when yesterday came, and while I did list the new job and my wages on the claim, it seems like it’s being financially determined from the job I resigned from…? Is that normal? I don’t want my old job to refuse to pay it because I resigned of my own will. Now I’m worried I’m going to be accused of fraud.
I hope I’m not out of work long because the way the system is now is stressing me out and I’m worried of getting accused of something when I have no ill intentions. I last collected in 2019 and it was only a month before I got a new job so I didn’t need it that long anyway, and things went really smoothly. Now no one is picking up the phone and I can’t even change my mailing address. They really should allow me to at least do that. I’ve called 10 times today and get nothing but a busy signal.
SamShephardsMustache t1_izfjya9 wrote
My understanding is that voluntary resignation with no mitigating circumstances (hostile workplace, etc) will automatically disqualify you from UC benefits.