Submitted by NewbHunter19 t3_zje9o2 in Pennsylvania
phanavision t1_izum3t0 wrote
Unfortunately, the stripes and stars don't immediately invoke what you say they mean. I like all of the design elements, but I had no idea why there were thee stripes. My guess for 2 stars was Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. I liked it after you explained it though. This would be worlds better than what we have now.
darkbloo64 t1_izuo0nm wrote
Ditto to pretty much all of the above, albeit with one additional nitpick. Like the rivers, I didn't pick up on the symbolism of the colors until it was explained. The green looked too military to me, and the orange-brown just looked dirty. I think it's more or less impossible to get away from the blue and gold with how long they've been a part of our state identity, official or otherwise.
the_hoagie t1_izuveg4 wrote
Feels a bit militant in green and black, and a bit depressing in rust. I hate to say I like the blue and gold the best, however I think blue and black could work and it would also reflect the memorable horses featured on the current flag. I also immediately interpreted the stars as Philly and Pittsburgh with the "the rest of the keystone state" in between. I'm also not a huge fan of the stripe directly on the fly end. Maybe it would be easier to just make it two stripes to symbolize the second state, with the keystone in the top left? I'd be curious to see it with two horizontal stripes instead of two vertical as well.
NewbHunter19 OP t1_izv1vd3 wrote
I withdraw my submission in favor of yours
ShammaJunk t1_izv25ti wrote
I like the black and gold one
ShammaJunk t1_izv28e4 wrote
*blue and gold but a black and gold would be cool too
Thyristor_Music t1_izv2nvn wrote
A flag of importance should be easily replicated by anyone by hand without any need of assisted tooling or machines. European flags have this down to a science. 2 or 3 colors, basic shapes (rectangles), easily identifiable.
During hard times the current flag would essentially be impossible to recreate by hand and would most likely end up being flown as a plain blue sheet. maybe that can be your starting point.
Connect-Expression-8 t1_izv4c8j wrote
I wish they'd make your green design the state flag immediately lol.
Ct-5736-Bladez t1_izv82p2 wrote
I like it but I’m not sure it fits the state as a whole. Feels militarily (not sure that’s the word I’m looking for) or para militarily to me. If the PA game warden commission ever wants to get a flag this is what it should be or even if each national guard decides to have their own specific flag this is it.
BullfrogPersonal t1_izwtzji wrote
Looks like prison bars
IamSauerKraut t1_izx6uy7 wrote
Depressingly bland. Had no pop.
IamSauerKraut t1_izx7lhs wrote
Unless the hellbender is included, leave the state flag alone.
IamSauerKraut t1_izx7r3v wrote
What about orange and black?
Or green and silver?
IamSauerKraut t1_izx7ue2 wrote
Why not the state seal on a background of white?
-TheFalcon- t1_izxfk39 wrote
You forgot handcuffs and dollars signs
CltAltAcctDel t1_izy7zwp wrote
The three largest cities in PA are Philly, Pittsburgh and Allentown. None of those rivers run through Allentown.
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_izye94g wrote
Lose the stripes and stars, use a solid red background and a solid blue keystone symbol. Perfect!
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_izyes47 wrote
(You are not from Philadelphia, are you?)
UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j043v4b wrote
It's not 1776, there is no conceivable hard time that would require people to be hand sewing flags out of scrap material. The only believable reason is civil war that fractured even Pennsylvanians against each other (in which case would they even want to use the flag anyway?)
Russia is literally using spray paint so its units can identify friend from foe even though their flag is simple as could be. Nobody is going to be making flags by hand out of necessity.
Thyristor_Music t1_j047wdi wrote
A flag should represent the present and stand the test of time, even a future that is uncertain. Things are good now but that doesn't mean they always will be and there should always be an easily identifiable symbol that can unite people. There's a reason many European flags have gone unchanged for 400+ years yet here we are discussing a redesign for a flag that is barely over 100 years old. I'm not saying the new PA has to be designed like a European flag but they've stood the test of time.
NewbHunter19 OP t1_izukfyr wrote
So since we are talking about the state flag I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. I made this flag a few years ago after becoming interested in flags and since have revised it and made a few color schemes.
Most PA flag redesigns are just a gold keystone on a blue field which I've never been a fan of and as I've gathered from googling blue and gold aren't our state colors everyone just thinks they are since the license plate has pretty much always featured them.
So my flag features three vertical stripes which represent the Delaware, Susquehanna, and Allegheny rivers which run through much of our state and our three largest cities. The keystone represents PA being the keystone state and the two stars represent us being the second state. As for colors, the green represents the woods of PA as Pennsylvania literally means Penn's Woods. The grey represents our industrial past. The second flag is a rusty orange and grey. Those colors focus more on just our industrial and metalworking history. And lastly, I made a color scheme for the blue and gold stans. Not my favorite but thought I'd make it an option.
I think the design is interesting, unique, and represents PA well. I also think it would translate well into other formats and elements of it could make a really cool license plate as well.
But I'd love to hear what y'all think, tell me what you love and tell me what you hate.