jillianpikora OP t1_j0cohfv wrote
I'm a reporter covering crime in Pennsylvania, it's my job. Not "obsessed" and I hate that these things happen. I work hard to track down the court docs. and police statements, conduct interviews etc. I also leave out some of the most disgusting details, not just in this case, but in all the crimes I cover, as people can use it as "inspiration" or to further harm victims. The things, some people can and will do are repulsive. I do my best to share these stories with the public so you can be aware of what's happening in our state, can protect yourselves, and speak out to make changes as you all see fit.
Inner-Figure5047 t1_j0conyl wrote
Mason Morey. Prior to his arrest he was bragging about raping his step daughters 9&11 years old to an under cover cop.
ScrappleOnToast t1_j0cpy66 wrote
That’s enough internet for me today.
No-Setting9690 t1_j0cr2ns wrote
I'd be fine with going all Judge Dredd on these individuals. Way beyond red handed.
danappropriate t1_j0creff wrote
Of course, he's from Lebanon. My hometown never comes up short in the degenerate monster category. Glad I escaped that cesspool.
ClemDooresHair t1_j0csahr wrote
Wow, judgy much?
Sea-Biscotti t1_j0cub8t wrote
What a fucking disgusting waste of air
_Poppagiorgio_ t1_j0cwonx wrote
Hold this L 🤡
Agent-Pierce- t1_j0cxu35 wrote
Lol more like sadist with a depravity fetish. You should stop using reddit. We dont need the crime drama karma fishing.back to fakebook with this exploitation of suffering
CarbonGod t1_j0cz189 wrote
Gezzuz you even know HOW to google? Learn it for once, and stop being a soapbox conspiracy whiner.
steelceasar t1_j0cz73k wrote
No one is making you read these posts. Maybe just skip them?
freshoilandstone t1_j0cz9w8 wrote
Doubling down? You some sort of masochist?
ebbycalvinlaloosh t1_j0d0ey6 wrote
This should be a guaranteed public execution
browneyedgirlpie t1_j0d1840 wrote
Are you that much of an idiot that you can't see she wrote the article she posted? Yes, yes you are.
[deleted] t1_j0d1ohp wrote
BramDeccapod t1_j0d1rpx wrote
Please don’t forget to harvest his organs BEFORE tossing the remains in a wood chipper
rovinchick t1_j0d2tyu wrote
There are degenerate monsters everywhere. You really never escape it.
bitterbeerfaces t1_j0d2xpn wrote
He is only 26 and the step father to a 15 year old? That's some fuzzy math. How old is his wife, 40?
pocketbookashtray t1_j0d42jj wrote
So you’ve chosen a career of muck raking. Interesting life decision.
MomsSpecialFriend t1_j0d8d8a wrote
Scary he thinks it’s just a one in a million chance to meet a cop instead of a real pedophile on the dark web.
TacoNomad t1_j0dgs31 wrote
And wasn't arrested?
TapewormNinja t1_j0dhhvr wrote
“You won’t believe it, Chief! I was just hanging out in a bar, having a quiet drink, and this guy comes up and starts telling me about raping kids. He just spends his whole day raping away at ‘em!”
“So you arrested him right? The self confessed rapist?”
“Aww man, I knew I forgot to do something today.”
TapewormNinja t1_j0dhqxd wrote
If I was on the transplant list, I would not want those organs. That’s a heart I’d turn down. All of him in the chipper. Feet first please.
mrboozer t1_j0djmmz wrote
It's in the article FFS.
TacoNomad t1_j0dk78f wrote
I mean, I thought he was talking about a different incident. No need to get all pissy.
[deleted] t1_j0dkgvk wrote
ForbodingWinds t1_j0dkluv wrote
Ah, so no one should report when something bad happens and just pretend everything is peachy keen? That's reasonable.
ForbodingWinds t1_j0dknt8 wrote
I'm gonna take a guess that this guy was religious?
Equivalent_Wing_6450 t1_j0dky4t wrote
not uncommon for predators like these to purposefully get into relationships with single parents of kids in their age range. way too common actually
Patiod t1_j0dkyx7 wrote
It's Pennsyltucky; his partner probably had kids at 15
WinterWontStopComing t1_j0dl3mh wrote
As a regenerating pile of slag previously monster adjacent, can agree
rivershimmer t1_j0dm6ud wrote
Sheesh, we were already saying it 25 years ago: Welcome to the Internet, where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.
DaCheat452 t1_j0dmcr0 wrote
Chris Hansen would like to have a word with you. Please, sit down.
BophedesNutz t1_j0dmiv4 wrote
Woodchipper go BRRRR
AnInsolentCog t1_j0dn8b1 wrote
After public castration.
NoWarrantShutUp t1_j0dnxq6 wrote
At that point they probably just had him saying that.. in order to really nail this guy they most likely needed much more, hence meeting him at the hotel. I know it’s not right but without enough evidence it’s just too big of a risk, instead they chose to wait and catch him red handed thus borderline guaranteeing putting this scumbag behind bars. Now if they had pictures along with it I would say that’s a different story.
BramDeccapod t1_j0do2ej wrote
I get the sentiment but I pass on the chance to save a dying kid person.
(an acquaintance scored a kidney not long ago, saved his life )
BramDeccapod t1_j0do5pc wrote
looks like the edible just hit!
-TheFarce- t1_j0dpb9j wrote
> not uncommon for predators like these to purposefully get into relationships with single parents of kids in their age range.
Seriously. He was likely more interested in the 9 and 11 year old, considering what he said to the undercover.
-TheFarce- t1_j0dpqdv wrote
> Morey met the undercover officer on the social media app Wickr using the name DARKRAVEN329 and quickly began asking about his daughter, who does not really exist, an officer explains in the complaint. He then asked the officer if he had sex with his fictitious daughter, graphically described sexual acts he did with or in front of his own children, and what he wanted to do to the officer's daughter, as well as ask for photos of the fake child.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j0dq70x wrote
> At that point they probably just had him saying that..
They did. He disclosed it to the same undercover that was part of setting up the sting.
It was all part of the operation.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j0dqfee wrote
> That's some fuzzy math.
Does it matte how "fuzzy" it is for non-biological kids?
Dude is clearly a creep and predator. Wouldn't be wrong to assume he specifically targeted a vulnerable single mom with kids in his age range.
Mor_Tearach t1_j0dr770 wrote
Side issue, it's very very odd and a little scary. Around where I live there's this THING where teen mothers just aren't discouraged, amazing number of 30 something grandmothers psyched as hell their daughter is pregnant. You understand absolutely supporting your kid if it becomes necessary, this is way different. We're very rural, kids either leave or stay here and have babies.
Another reason to have ditched FB 10 years ago.
9K_All_Day t1_j0drwjt wrote
My ex is from there, you ain’t kidding.
Mor_Tearach t1_j0ds310 wrote
Wow sorry you posted a story we should all BE AWARE OF and got jumped!
Pedophile in our area was finally nailed, red flags all the heck all over the place. Guy's KID finally had to turn him in- worse, he was a medical ' professional ', company he worked for became hostile to his ex- patients probably bc they were worried about getting sued.
The more you report, the more we're aware. Has to be done.
TacoNomad t1_j0ds8aq wrote
Right. Not fuzzy at all, really.
Unable-Bison-272 t1_j0du1hd wrote
Good god
Crypto_Candle t1_j0dx28v wrote
They said it was a local cop, not the State Police.
Er3bus13 t1_j0dxim1 wrote
This is pa here yellow is in our flag.
Altruistic-Rip4364 t1_j0dxtgo wrote
He’s already outlived his welcome
TerribleUserName411 t1_j0dxuqp wrote
Do you suppose his QAnon-inspired yard sign is still in front of his house? You know, because the left are a bunch of pedophile sex traffickers.
CocoaMotive t1_j0e1dwe wrote
I hope he never sees the outside world again.
ohnomoto450 t1_j0e2e7l wrote
Fire up the wood chipper
ahtzib t1_j0e513e wrote
Public castration is a good idea
tempmike t1_j0e52md wrote
See, I was curious about this last time... but then I looked at the byline of the articles.
MartialBob t1_j0eaib1 wrote
I've seen it happen. When I was 24 I was hanging out with a bunch of old highschool friends at our local bar and one of them brought his girlfriend. She was in her 40's. Then they started making out at the table. It was weird.
steeelez t1_j0eby0z wrote
As someone whose life was deeply impacted by serious investigative reporting, thank you
steeelez t1_j0ecwty wrote
And who the fuck are you? What are you even trying to achieve here? If you don’t want to receive information, don’t consume it from an information sharing platform. The rest of us are here because we want to find out what happened, even if it’s upsetting. And thank god there’s people out there, trying to find out, and making sure other people know. If you’re lucky enough that that doesn’t matter to you then I salute you, please be grateful for your lack of concern, but don’t then concern yourself with the activity of people who do need to know what’s going on. That’s a sickness in and of itself.
bitterbeerfaces t1_j0ee2g6 wrote
Oh I totally think he did.
AnInsolentCog t1_j0eetsg wrote
I'll settle for A Hanging though.
scandrews187 t1_j0egqtb wrote
Not too many people are a bigger piece of shit than this monster
whereyouatdesmondo t1_j0eje6w wrote
All these posts of yours are enabling everyone here to meet another creepy weirdo. Keep it up.
[deleted] t1_j0em6f8 wrote
M3ntallyDiseas3d t1_j0emji8 wrote
Funny you should ask mi was wondering if he was a Jehovah’s Witness. I know the congregations in that area have covered up pedophiles.
BurghPuppies t1_j0empwy wrote
Not shocked. He’s a stepfather to those girls plus a 15 year old, which tells me he’s married to a woman significantly older than him (age 31 - 37, maybe?). Why would a 26 y.o. Male marry an older woman with two pre-teen daughters??? I guess we see.
AthensAtNight t1_j0exvij wrote
Death penalty. Period.
MyEvilTwinSkippy t1_j0f25vv wrote
Glad this guy was caught and I'm not trying to take away from the story, but...
Am I the only one who finds it weird that the police listed a cell phone as an incriminating object that the guy had with him? Are cell phones that unusual in Wilkes-Barre or something? Was he shoeless? because I don't see shoes listed as something he had with him.
Feels kinda like when police bust someone for drugs and list sandwich bags in their pantry or kitchen knives as paraphernalia or weapons.
Tr0gd0r17 t1_j0g0zd9 wrote
A person can’t be charged with a crime solely for admitting to it without any other substantiating evidence. The fancy Latin term for it is corpus delicti. For example bragging that you killed someone just to look dangerous and tough. I’ve been a defense attorney for years and never had someone brag about or admit to touching a kid outside of an interrogation for no reason so that probably makes this one pretty obvious. It will definitely cause them to investigate further and hopefully at that point they can really figure out what’s going on. I hope I’m wrong and this fucker was just saying crazy shit for no reason and never actually touched the kids. But given this situation it doesn’t look good. I really hope those little ones are ok. But if they look into it I’d bet the evidence is there.
pnvrgnnltUdwn t1_j0g1j00 wrote
That’s not really that big of an age gap
TacoNomad t1_j0g8kzh wrote
It's still probable cause to detain and search, no? Isn't it 48 hours to charge someone once detained? Based on everything we know about pedophiles, and the circumstances of the arrest, it's unlikely that he was lying.
delusions- t1_j0g9us0 wrote
> I thought he was talking about a different incident
You'd know he wasn't if you read the fucking article
TacoNomad t1_j0ganiw wrote
Sorry for not clicking every link I come across. Thanks for your opinion. It's really fucking important for you to repeat the other comments here. Certainly you read the fucking comments? And still felt the need to be a turd.
Iceman9161 t1_j0gbbcf wrote
Bragging to a “friend” is shaky evidence, even if the friend was an undercover cop. Confessions given in a much more official setting have been thrown out before. They knew he was a criminal, they just needed to keep an eye on him long enough to nail him
TacoNomad t1_j0gbpdw wrote
Yeah and they could detain him while looking for more evidence. Admitting to raping a child has got to be probable cause?
I just don't believe we live in a society that this doesn't warrant further attention.
Obviously in this case, it's part of the investigation. But generally speaking, I can't believe that this would be one of those "nothing we can do" scenarios. When cops are out here killing people for less. That's all. I'm cynical about law enforcement of sexual predators.
BurghPuppies t1_j0gv202 wrote
It’s not a huge age gap. But it’s noteworthy if a 26 y.o. Man marries a 37 y.o. Woman with three little girls. Definitely seems to fit with the rest of the story.
delusions- t1_j0gycbv wrote
Your ignorance is not my failing, it's yours.
TacoNomad t1_j0h223l wrote
Awwww. Poor thing. Feeling so good about this?
3 comments deep into the telling me to read the article. So clearly you know that Im already aware it's in the article. You just need to repeat it. Must make you feel really important.
I feel for you bro. You need something to feel good about. I'm OK with being the recipient of your anger.
aboutsider t1_j0h7u4f wrote
And, you've chosen a vocation of trolling. Interesting life decision.
aboutsider t1_j0h882e wrote
If I had to guess, I'd say that cell phone had child pornography on it. Or, the police believe it did.
delusions- t1_j0h9d5u wrote
Projecting much? Trying to talk down to me to feel bigger, with "Bro" and "poor thing"? Lol.
TacoNomad t1_j0hd300 wrote
Brothers are equal. I didn't call you son. Which would be a term of inferiority.
You came out aggressive at me telling me to read the fucking article. Because you were being super kind and helpful? It's not even like my original comment, to someone else, was negative either.
And when I pointed out that others had already suggested this and it was an unnecessary comment, you responded calling me ignorant.
Yet you don't see how you're being shitty.
Are those the behaviors of a kind person? I didn't come for you. You came for me, aggressively. I responded in kind. And you came back even more aggressive.
What else should I assume? You needed an ego boost behind your keyboard. And I accept that it'll make you feel better to keep acting in this foolish manner. Either look in the mirror and see how you fucking started it, or accept that I'm going to keep calling it like I see. Ego boost initiated!
beeps-n-boops t1_j0mjll6 wrote
Likely it was incriminating because it had the text conversations on it, proving that he was the right suspect, and that he did plan to do what they say he planned to do.
five_eight t1_j0pazo3 wrote
Lebanon County: home of the trumpiest trumpers.
Glittering-Golf2722 t1_j0tduci wrote
Shoot the bastard
Agent-Pierce- t1_j0cijg9 wrote
Disgusting. But also is the OPs post history, another person OBSESSED with crime and depraved stories. Creepy af