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Super_C_Complex t1_j266gt2 wrote


Don Chekos.

It's like. Sketch. But delicious. The nachos are banging and a great value.

As for the family restaurants, I won't disagree. I liked Chambersburg family diner before it was sold.

Fuck the orchards though.

Other than that. Inca kitchen is good. Bori delicious and denim are both good coffee shops. I'm not huge on Brussels vibe so I haven't been in much. The stube at liquid arts or whatever they're calling it now has decent food and okay beer.

The food here isn't all awful.


tehmlem t1_j269ozd wrote

That's why I left 12 slots for non-Falafel Shack establishments


Super_C_Complex t1_j26rmcf wrote

Haha fair enough.

But I'm honestly not disappointed with the food options around here.

I even appreciate Norland pub for the wings