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buddykat t1_j0gxwlz wrote

Saw a POLICE vehicle without its lights on yesterday morning on my way to work (sleet/freezing rain). I really need to call that township and tell them to remind their officers of the law!


psychcaptain t1_j0h06v9 wrote

I would have been so tempted to flash them my high beams!

Bad idea, but so are many temptations.


buddykat t1_j0h5f0g wrote

I was behind them... but when I pulled up next to them in a turn lane, it was VERY tempting to roll down my window, get him to roll down his window, and say "hey, it's really difficult to see you in this weather with your headlights off". But I resisted the temptation since I only have a 15 minute commute and don't want to get on their (or my township's PD) bad side!