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jkman61494 t1_j0k3zta wrote

Brilliant idea honestly. Wish it was more.

My kindergarten daughter who was coming from a daycare that’s a germ pool. Just since August.

—got Covid for the first time 4 days into the school year

—got a virus where she had snot coming out her eyeballs

—got a stomach bug

—got another creepy crud cold

—got another stomach virus.

That’s just 4 months. It’s insane this year. Add to it my toddler who had borderline RSV and Flu-B this fall.


PayEmmy t1_j0li0e5 wrote

What is borderline RSV and flu? I thought you were either infected or you're not infected?


jkman61494 t1_j0lugqf wrote

RSV is basically a respiratory issue. My sons oxygen level was 1% higher to the point they’d classify it as RSV. However what I forgot to mention is he WAS classified after some tests as having low grade pneumonia


susinpgh t1_j0lti9g wrote

Oh man, that sounds really terrible!


RipTide275 t1_j0lgzhg wrote

That’s because she spent basically her whole life masked and isolated from other kids. She hasn’t built up her immune system.


shadowstar36 t1_j0lodfr wrote

Yep. All that social distancing (which they made up the whole 6' number) and lockdown/closures, really did a number on kids immune system, let alone mental and social health. It sucked that it felt like a cult. Especially the people who pushed for censorhip (a lot of people on reddit are all for censorhip, deplatforming, and corporate and gov authoritarianism)

I know some of the measures were needed, but the censorhip of doctors and health professionals was crazy. Also the cult like mentality to label people basically heretics if they disagreed.