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newworldman1070 t1_j1ue9vg wrote

I don’t like how the AT misses most of scenic PA.


karmekanic t1_j1ufp3x wrote

me too, the AT gives PA hiking a bad rep unfortunately


Brunt-FCA-285 t1_j1uk3m7 wrote

I’ve loved my weekend treks over the AT from my Boy Scout days, but there is a reason that the thru-hikers we talked to call our state “Rocksylvania.”

The Pinnacle and Bake Oven Knob are awesome, though.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_j1uyp6a wrote

I'm from Lehigh County and love the AT, but I agree there are more scenic parts of the state. I hear the Mid State Trail is very good, but I've never hiked any of it.