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Thyristor_Music t1_j0ytrn0 wrote

Small white-conservative racist town gets caught with their pants down for hiring a racist cop renowned for killing a black child that sparked protests through the country and now is back peddling to save face. They're not sorry, they knew exactly what they were doing by hiring this guy. They're just sorry they got caught.


RefrigeratorGold8291 t1_j166boo wrote

“Failing” to say that the child was in possession of a replica firearm that had the mandatory orange barrel tip removed there bud. It’s a minor detail though, no biggie.


Thyristor_Music t1_j1682va wrote

Have you considered moving to Tioga? You'd fit right in. Maybe even consider joining their Police force, it sounds like you're already pre-qualified for the role.


RefrigeratorGold8291 t1_j169tni wrote

I can’t join the police force because of my immigration status. How would I fit in there? Do they have a lot of foreigners?