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RipTide275 t1_j0ycqnn wrote

Thought they had 3 candidates and 1 dropped out. Gotta wonder about the qualifications of anyone else they talked to. Let’s face it, it’s probably not a real desirable gig. He was involved in an unfortunate officer involved shooting and no charges were pressed against him. Don’t you believe in the judicial process?


theyeoftheiris t1_j0yeg2a wrote

When it comes to cops being held accountable, no I do not believe they face the same justice and you and I would. That's been demonstrated time and time again though hopefully that's now changing.


B0MBOY t1_j0yhge6 wrote

“The investigation reveals how quickly a small-town government can collapse under the weight of personal conflicts and vendettas, and raises the question of whether taxpayers are best served by Pennsylvania’s more than 2,500 cities, towns, townships, and boroughs that sorely lack critical oversight of their workings.”

This statement is trash. There is tons of oversight on local government and they are severely restricted in what they can and can’t do by state law. Between the Pennsylvania sunshine act and the laws for financial reporting it’s pretty hard to hide shit.

I’m not a resident of tioga, but what is depicted as “personal conflicts and vendettas” looks like a good old power struggle between city staff and council. This happens from time to time, and they can be messy.


Thyristor_Music t1_j0ytrn0 wrote

Small white-conservative racist town gets caught with their pants down for hiring a racist cop renowned for killing a black child that sparked protests through the country and now is back peddling to save face. They're not sorry, they knew exactly what they were doing by hiring this guy. They're just sorry they got caught.


Thyristor_Music t1_j0yu7gk wrote

They knowingly hired a cop that had national coverage for killing a black child. There was no lack in oversight, background checks were made, this was all done intentionally. There is no personal conflicts, from what i can tell this is right in line with the towns motive. They're just sorry they got caught and are now trying save face.


worstatit t1_j0z10fz wrote

So, they may or may not have been fully aware of the history. My guess is, some were, some weren't. Gotta believe they weren't aware of what a shitstorm this would cause, or the faction in the know was doing it on purpose to embarass the others. Though pro-police, I'm in agreement this particular guy shouldn't be working as such.


realhighstonerguy t1_j0zdqx0 wrote

Maybe they should receive more than a couple months of training and not just let any idiot become a cop. We should hold them to as high of standards as soldiers. Not shrug our shoulders at the issues and think them being scared of guns is any kind of excuse.