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t1_j1r4xl5 wrote

I’m not showing you anything. Could care less to inform you. Just pointing out that you sound like a hypocritical bum who cares not to inform himself but cares deeply enough to call someone out for helping people.


t1_j1r5k1y wrote

It's because you can't find it. Nah I'm calling out someone exploiting people to promote their brand and new album.

Meek Mills does charity which is respectable. Doing it in a blatant way to promote an album isn't. It's a tacky PR stunt along the lines of tiktokers who do this shit for clout.


t1_j1r6dps wrote

I’m not even searching for it, you either know or you don’t, you don’t and choose not to inform yourself.

You can call it tacky all you want. At least he’s not lying about helping people like you are.
