dtcstylez10 t1_j1ix6gt wrote
Don't need to read any more on this without already knowing that it's obvious any Republicans still supporting these candidates don't give a f*CK about any of it. It's like their own multiverse reality.
RipTide275 t1_j1iynr1 wrote
Inquirer is a rag and J6 committee is a joke. Bi partisan committee, lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s. Both self proclaimed anti Trumpers since before the election.
Feel what you want about J6 events but if you think the committee was impartial then you’re an idiot.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1izcq3 wrote
> Bi partisan committee, lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s. Both self proclaimed anti Trumpers since before the election.
So they couldn't possibly be members of that party just because they spoke up against a singular "member" of it? Okay.
RipTide275 t1_j1izmre wrote
The point is it really wasn’t an unbiased committee to begin with
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1izw4p wrote
Solid deflection.
[deleted] t1_j1j098l wrote
yzdaskullmonkey t1_j1j0q6f wrote
Solid deflection
Peachy33 t1_j1j0qn5 wrote
I guess Kevin shouldn’t have had a tantrum and pulled his people off the committee then, huh?
danappropriate t1_j1j1g7d wrote
Or attempt to appoint representatives he knew were persons of interest in an effort to undermine the investigation.
Peachy33 t1_j1j1wui wrote
It’s all kayfabe for their fan base and we’re forced to attend.
[deleted] t1_j1j218u wrote
xoaphexox t1_j1j26sy wrote
Party over country, right?!
RipTide275 t1_j1j2r01 wrote
Mccarthy’s an idiot, I agree. Do you think the committee was unbiased?
Rottenfink t1_j1j2umh wrote
Do you even know what the word impartial means? All the committee has done is ask questions and report answers lol
kellzone t1_j1j30n7 wrote
Cry some more.
kellzone t1_j1j3971 wrote
> lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s
BurghPuppies t1_j1j3ots wrote
So, why do you suppose there weren’t any “real” Republicans on the committee, Rip?
RipTide275 t1_j1j3sb2 wrote
Did they ask Pelosi questions?
BurghPuppies t1_j1j3sr3 wrote
Suspects, as it turned out.
BurghPuppies t1_j1j3yc7 wrote
You seem to be confusing the words unbiased and bipartisan.
Punched_A_Bursar t1_j1j49c7 wrote
Agreed. It’s instructive that, not only did the PA GOP not disavow Mastriano after 1/6, they fielded him for governor. Holy moly.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1j5y9r wrote
Another deflection!
CartographerOk474 t1_j1j6bi1 wrote
What we have learned the last year is the two parties believe they are entitled to the power they have and will do whatever to keep it.
SourHoagie t1_j1j6l4o wrote
You realize Republican congressional leadership declined to join the committee right? They were offered a deal to allow them to appoint an equal number of members to the committee and they said no, they had an opportunity to make it bipartisan but refused.
"Well, I think in retrospect, I think it would have been very smart to put [Republicans on the committee] and again, I wasn't involved in it from a standpoint so I never looked at it too closely. But I think it would have been good if we had representation," Trump told Punchbowl News.
"The Republicans don’t have a voice. They don’t even have anything to say," he
danappropriate t1_j1j7271 wrote
McCarthy had five seats to appoint on the Committee—proportional to Republican representation in the House. Pelosi rejected two appointments, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, due to statements made regarding the Committee and the fact that both were persons of interest in the investigation. McCarthy knew Jordan and Banks were compromised when he appointed them and did it anyways. In response to Pelosi's rejection, McCarthy pulled the remaining three appointments.
If you wish to point the finger at a group acting in a partisan manner, you should look within your own party.
Peachy33 t1_j1j7me4 wrote
Rottenfink t1_j1j7xlg wrote
I'm not sure. Were any of the Jan6 defendants pointing the finger at Pelosi? Cause I heard there were A LOT of fingers being pointed at A LOT of people, but I didn't hear that Pelosi was one of them
RipTide275 t1_j1j8zlj wrote
steelceasar t1_j1j91r9 wrote
Someone needs to ask the CNAs at the nursing home to take away your phone and turn off the cable news.
AFD_0 t1_j1j9lvo wrote
"Real" Republicans would've stood up for the constitution. Unfortunately the party now has a large amount of unhinged Q idiots and otherwise have very little in common with traditional conservatives.
Being an extremist anti-Democrat does not make you a Republican and these true RINOs should branch off and start their own fucking party.
untilyouredead t1_j1j9qpz wrote
holy shit bro give up this is humiliating
NotNowDamo t1_j1j9u35 wrote
Cheney was like 90% aligned with Trump. What are you talking about?
RipTide275 t1_j1j9w7v wrote
I understand how it happened. I could of told you the results before the committee met, because they were biased. Just like when next year when there at committees investigating Biden corruption and you all are saying they’re biased and not believing anything the committee concludes.
susinpgh t1_j1ja909 wrote
All of the people that testified to the committee were republicans. If there was any way that this could have been cast in a light favorable for the GOP, it would have surfaced. The GOP seems to think that any time their feet are held to the fire for their despicable acts, it's unfair. It's not. The GOP leadership in the Senate and the House have seen that; it's why the new budget passed.
RipTide275 t1_j1jbccm wrote
Oh please, she voted for policies because they made sense. She spoke out against him personally anytime she had a chance. Which is why her constituents voted her out in a landslide. Kinzinger wasn’t running because he knew the same thing would happen. Nancy picked the 2 R’s that hated Trump the most and put them on the committee so she could call it bipartisan. Judging by Reddit responses the American public is a dumb as people say
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jblkf wrote
Facts aren’t biased. Either you accept facts or have chosen to live in your own reality. The facts are very clear whether you think democrats are “biased” against Trump. And by biased I mean against over throwing our democracy and our elected officials.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jbq0y wrote
The poster thinks anyone who wants to hold a Republican responsible for their actions is biased.
Rmlady12152 t1_j1jbs9y wrote
Did you see the insurrection? It was on tv. Those crazy republicans are an embarrassment to Pennsylvania and America.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jbweu wrote
Why? Did she incite an insurrection? Did she try to overthrow our government?
The whataboutism the right tries to pass off as legitimate questions is absurd.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jcayv wrote
The Republicans were offered a 50/50 split on this committee. The Dems were told to go fuck themselves. That is the only reason it was not split 50/50. I would bet any amount of money you didn’t know that. And yet the Dems still put Republicans on the committee when they didn’t have to after the Republicans told the Dems to get fucked.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1jcc9x wrote
> Judging by Reddit responses the American public is a dumb as people say
I mean, it would also be pretty dumb to think Reddit is, in any way, wholly indicative of large scale and widely held opinions. But okay.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jcy8d wrote
And by Biden corruption you’re talking about Hunter Biden. Because you think Hunter Biden = Joe Biden. And if you can prove Hunter Biden is a piece of shit them it’s the same as proving Joe Biden shouldn’t be President. We know exactly how you think and we all laugh at you because it’s stupid. Terribly stupid.
No amount of proving Hunter Biden is a piece of shit will ever change the fact that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in an historic landslide for POTUS. And no amount of proving Hunter Biden is a piece of shit means Joe Biden can’t be President.
Nobody cares if Hunter Biden goes to prison. Nobody cares if he committed crimes. He’s isn’t an elected official.
Jotakave t1_j1jdfiu wrote
WTF is this timeline? We have a group of people being openly corrupt and people still think this is the way to vote. It’s mind blowing.
RipTide275 t1_j1jed8e wrote
Not what I meant at all. What if a committee shows Joe Biden is corrupt and has profited illegally from Hunter selling his influence all over the world. What would you think then?
RipTide275 t1_j1jemxc wrote
You kinda sorta are correct. Believe me I know the politics behind how the committee was formed. Again, that’s not the point though is it ?
ell0bo t1_j1jfzsh wrote
Republicans have been that way for a while. Republicans just played the refs to where, if anyone pointed it out, it was usually met with a "well both sides..." or "no good options".
Republicans have been a corrupting force for years, their voters are complicit even if it's through ignorance.
octopusinwonderland t1_j1jg0dw wrote
Have you ever considered you might have a bias here on what results you’re willing to accept?
uglyKIDmoe t1_j1jg0fg wrote
The point is that declining a role on the committee is setting themselves up to declare it unbiased because they knew what the facts would show and they’d have no other way to spin it if they were involved.
So, the context matters and is not besides the point. This is standard operating procedure for suppressing the exposure of corruption. You either take control of the investigation so you can taint it, or you decline involvement and then cry foul when they’re done.
RipTide275 t1_j1jgfsh wrote
Nancy took control and tainted it.
RipTide275 t1_j1jgry0 wrote
Let’s face it. 99% of the people didn’t change their mind. If the committee came up with opposit conclusions you and the rest would be saying all the same shit about Trump, the fix is in, he gets away with everything it’s corruption. So does it really matter what the committee said.
irishhank t1_j1jhcby wrote
“But,but, but Nancy didn’t call the guard.” Somebody eats up right wing dog shit sandwiches like candy.
RipTide275 t1_j1jhiva wrote
Remain willfully ignorant.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jhq80 wrote
I would think Joe Biden should be prosecuted because that’s what a normal person believes.
That’s not even what is on the table here though. There is absolutely zero evidence that Joe Biden has done anything illegal regarding Hunter Biden or anything else. Republicans accuse people of things first and then expect courts to accept it first without evidence so they can then go find the evidence. That’s completely backwards of how our justice system actually works.
It’s exactly the argument that Trump’s idiot legal team made in 2020. They filed lawsuits claiming election fraud, presented no evidence to the court and then argued that they court needed to take the case and grant them warrants to find the evidence to support their claims.
This is exactly what the right is doing now. They are claiming Hunter Biden broke laws, that Joe Biden aided him and that they need to be granted warrants so they can find evidence to support this claim.
Here is what is going to happen and you can save this comment. The Republican House is going to attempt to investigate Hunter Biden. They’ll form a committee. They will find absolutely nothing other than what we already know. Hunter Biden is a drug addict and likes hookers (why should I fucking care)? They will find absolutely nothing about Joe Biden doing anything illegal. All they will find is what we already know, which is that Joe Biden loves his son and has asked him to get help. They will ridicule Joe Biden for telling his son he will support him if he wants to turn his life around because to the right a father supporting his son is grounds for something. Impeachment maybe.
In the end the Republican led committee will try to convict Joe Biden because his son is a loser and it will result in absolutely nothing. Save this comment so you can apologize to me in two years.
frotz1 t1_j1jht7t wrote
Facts are facts no matter who says them. Trump was always free to testify under oath and set the record straight but he avoided that like every other responsibility in his life. You can't claim "bias" in a proceeding like this after pulling a totally chickensh*t no-show like that.
SourHoagie t1_j1jhtfb wrote
Do Jared Kushner next!
Jotakave t1_j1jhvxz wrote
Definitely. My first election as an American was Obama’s second term and I felt so happy voting for someone I felt was capable. Then the dark days of the idiot-in-chief and now I felt the spark again when we elected Fetterman. I hope we keep voting for capable, empathic humans in the future here in PA. Back when I first moved here it was clear to me that these two sides, R & D, were nothing alike. One cared about its constituents and to create legislation to help fix problems. The other side was all about imposing THEIR religious beliefs in all of us. Control. Censor. Fuck all but me attitude. I grew up Catholic and have a strong aversion for the church, what it did to others in the past and their bigotry. I feel like living in America should be about choosing to believe in whatever you like. Not to have a group people dictate what you can or can’t do with your own body
octopusinwonderland t1_j1ji1mk wrote
Excuse me but I accepted trump as President for four years even though I didn’t personally like it. You aren’t correct in assuming other people are as committed to their fantasies as you are. And even if they were, that doesn’t make it right for you to do it.
frotz1 t1_j1ji8sk wrote
Show it. You're comparing hypothetical corruption without any evidence to a very well documented insurrection attempt with evidence piled up in front of you. You don't get to call hypocrisy because we aren't taking your imaginary crimes seriously.
frotz1 t1_j1jioyd wrote
Again you're making up an imaginary wrongdoing where we're doing the same thing with the roles reversed, and we're supposed to answer to charges of imaginary hypocrisy on this subject. If you have any evidence that the committee wasn't telling the complete truth then let's see it, but you don't get to cop out with empty accusations.
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1jixbb wrote
something something pot calling the kettle black
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jjppk wrote
The declined for the sole purpose of being able to scream that the committee was biased and had no Republican representation when the committee found exactly what they knew they would find, which is that Trump committed crimes. And here we are, listening to a Republican who fell for it.
This is the equivalent of screaming that Ford makes terrible vehicles and then cutting the break lines to a thousand Ford vehicles and then telling everyone how right you were about Ford making shitty cars when a thousand of them crash because they had no breaks.
ssamykin t1_j1jprr1 wrote
Jesus fucking Christ. Please get EPICALLY bent.
NotNowDamo t1_j1jq3ou wrote
Yes, she was for certain policies, undermining your she wasn't a real republican argument. Apparently, to you, the definition of Republican is anyone that adores Trump and follows him blindly. Which was and is her argument against him.
[deleted] t1_j1jqadg wrote
Dark_Prism t1_j1jqozd wrote
In general I'd like to think that if there wasn't gerrymandering we'd have a better idea of what the actual makeup of political beliefs are, but the fact that statewide or nearly statewide races get so close (Fetterman v Oz) is really disconcerting. The fact that Traitriano lost by so much is somewhat of a consolation prize.
Dark_Prism t1_j1jrdpp wrote
> I would think Joe Biden should be prosecuted because that’s what a normal person believes.
This is such an easy litmus test that these nutjobs fail constantly.
I want to yell in their faces "THE PEOPLE YOU VOTE FOR HATE YOU! STOP ACTING LIKE LOYALTY TO THEM MEANS ANYTHING!" Christ, the entirety of the US government is meant to work for the people who elect them, i.e. the citizens of the United States of America. Every elected official that undermines the rule of law needs to be held accountable to the furthest extent possible. This thing where cops and politicians and rich people get away with stuff all the time drives me insane. We need to hold them all to a higher standard, not a lower one.
BluCurry8 t1_j1js8md wrote
BluCurry8 t1_j1jstvk wrote
dmriggs t1_j1julka wrote
Yep. He’s their guy UGH
macob t1_j1jyk9d wrote
Having Doug as governor would have made us almost as bad as Ohio. Almost.
ManfredsJuicedBalls t1_j1jywkb wrote
So there must be those that praise and think Trump does no wrong?
lol traitor
MetaphysicalMayhem t1_j1k4wlt wrote
Did MAGATs think we’d just stand by as clear majorities of Pennsylvanians repeatedly voted for the actual American and not the Trumpist loser? That’s what gets me. My MAGA sign-wielding neighbors actually thought the rest of us would just go, “Oh, OK. You’re right. My quadruply-checked mail-in ballot is ‘fraudulent,’ and my vote just doesn’t count. He who has the Signs, wins.”
Keynova81 t1_j1k73l6 wrote
In a bit of good news, i do see less and less pro trump, or lets go brandon type of signs out in the philly burbs. Coming down slowly but ... still coming down.
AntonChigur187 t1_j1k99bq wrote
Traitor Mastriano. Fuck that guy!
[deleted] t1_j1kfo60 wrote
Still have quite a few in Hatboro / Upper Moreland region sad to say
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1khyf9 wrote
The right is simply on a team. They could never comprehend holding someone on their team accountable for anything. Even though I am a Democrat there is no team. If someone breaks the law they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. That’s how it works, unless you’re a Republican in which case it’s just “Hunter Biden!”
RipTide275 t1_j1kk3iv wrote
Your esteemed committee didn’t look into the lack of security at the Capital, one shot was fired the whole day. That person wasn’t interviewed. Seems like a real half ass effort to me. Or a cover up.
irishhank t1_j1kk9vw wrote
Keep eating up those shit sandwiches, gullible moron. Everyone is laughing at you
mrstevegibbs t1_j1kkpo9 wrote
Good summary. Thanks for all the hard work behind this article
[deleted] t1_j1kkr42 wrote
str8outtaconklin t1_j1kku3t wrote
Yeah…pretty startling that we have about 25-35% of the population who are criminal traitors to the country and they are also the most vocal about their “love” for the country whose foundational principles they actual despise. Definitely some mindfuckery times.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1kl0ky wrote
This is the equivalent of blaming the family for a home invasion because they didn’t put a second deadbolt on the door and not the three guys who kicked the door in that head a deadbolt.
RipTide275 t1_j1klhwm wrote
I’ll try to use your bullshit analogy. The highly paid detectives investigating the break in should at least ask the homeowner why the door was unlocked and security cameras turned off. If they didn’t you would think they were covering something up or just did a shit job
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1km3h9 wrote
Jesus Christ dude. This is legitimately one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on Reddit.
292ll t1_j1km7tr wrote
They need to take his military pension
hankmurphy t1_j1kmad2 wrote
Cedar Point tho
MongolianCluster t1_j1kmsj5 wrote
Reality means nothing.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kpx6d wrote
>lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s.
No TRUE Scotsman!!
The only metric by which they "aren't R's" is if you define a Republican as "someone who always supports Trump no matter what." If that's how you want to define it, that's your prerogative.
Fuck.. Cheney's voting record is about as hard right Republican BS as you get. She'd still be no.3 in the Republican House had she not gone against your wannabe King Donald. I want to like her for having an ounce of integrity, but even as she's on her way out the door she's still voting along party lines on everything.
Kinzinger is relatively moderate, which is probably a reflection of his military service.
>but if you think the committee was impartial then you’re an idiot.
And if you think all the Republican witnesses that were willing to go on record weren't impartial, then you are an idiot.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kqma3 wrote
>If the committee came up with opposit conclusions you and the rest would be saying all the same shit
When Trump won in 2016, there were calls for verification and transparency, for recounts, etc. And then 99.9% of us accepted the results of the election, even if we didn't like it, long before Trump's inauguration (which Hillary went to, btw, after conceding and congratulating him).
We're more than two years out from the 2020 election and you still have like 1/3 of the GOP claiming that Trump actually won. There's no "both sides" thing going on.. the left actually lives in reality.
So no, if the committee would have came up with the opposite conclusions the vast majority of us would have accepted that conclusion. And if you think the Mueller report is some evidence to prove otherwise, then you clearly never read the report which blatantly stated that obstruction took place which is why we didn't accept Barr's deranged and misleading summary of the report.
*edit to add* And I'll repeat what I said above. You are free to ignore the committee's conclusions but you aren't doing yourself or this country any favors if you block out all the shit reported by witnesses who are neck deep in Republican party politics and gave an honest account that you choose to ignore.
Luvs2spooge89 t1_j1kr16q wrote
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ksglx wrote
>Just like when next year when there at committees investigating Biden corruption
Oddly, unlike Trump, the Biden family isn't being investigated by any states, the FBI, or any other agency. Maybe because there is no corruption to be investigated? NO, THAT can't be it, it must be a conspiracy.
Given that Jim Jordan and co. are trying to prove a pre-determined conclusion, rather than following any actual evidence? They've already made it clear that this investigation into Biden was a farce and you reacted exactly how the GOP wants you to, to think that just because the GOP runs false investigations like "BENGHAZI!!!" that the Democrats must be doing the same thing.
It's not a fallacy, but if it were, it would be called "appeal to cynicism."
You also deflected from the above comment. The GOP had an opportunity to place people on the committee and didn't. It was clearly unacceptable that they'd place anyone actively being investigated and tied to 1/6 on the committee and that's what McCarthy attempted to do. When that plan didn't work, he refused to send anyone. Being upset about this is like being upset that the defendant's brother wasn't permitted to sit on a jury.
And even before that, the Democrats didn't even want to do this at the congressional level, they wanted to form an independent committee but that was shot down by the GOP as well, at the Senate level.
RunningOnPunkTime t1_j1ktalc wrote
Hershey Park is a good consolation. I'd much rather be PA with a slightly worse coaster park than be Ohio with anything.
Jungle Jim's is amazing though.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ktc34 wrote
Not to nitpick, but it's a "brake line." Since you wrote it more than once that way, I assume it wasn't a typo.
Totally agree with the comment though, not trying to serve red-herring or derail your great analogy.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ktrag wrote
Unless Nancy left the door open and sent everyone home for the day (which didn't happen) then you aren't really adding anything constructive here, you're trying to change the subject.
The fact that you'd rather focus on whether Nancy had enough foresight to hire extra security, rather than how Trump was aware that there were armed protestors and wanted security to "let them in" is quite telling.
But I'll bite on this red herring... is there any actual evidence that Nancy Pelosi failed to have sufficient security that was within her power to request in the first place? Mike Pence wasn't on the phone asking Pelosi to send help, he called the White House... weird, since apparently this was all up to Nancy Pelosi according to you. Fortunately, Pence actually did his job that day and called everyone while Trump apparently just watched things unfold from his private dining room and did nothing the entire day (after he riled everyone up).
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kuzrz wrote
These articles are just jaw-dropping incredible for showing the desperate illegal and immoral lengths these Traitors were going to to keep an illegitimate person in office! I am Completely blown away. I wouldn’t have believed this if it were in a book but it is so well laid out by the reporters here from the Inquirer. Each of these traitors should be publicly Shamed, Tarred andFeathered and Then convicted of Conspiracy, domestic terrorism and inciting riots, for starters. Mastriano, Mike Kelly, his cos, every person here should be shunned. I hope they have the decency to walk with a bowed head in Shame!
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kven2 wrote
Brilliant writing here by these Inquirer reporters. Well documented and clearly explained.
hankmurphy t1_j1kvmr9 wrote
Hot Chicken Takeover tho.
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kw005 wrote
You really can’t see that Most of us are not as deaf, dumb and blind as you on the right. We actually use our brain cells and not just accept things because we were told to.
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kwc82 wrote
Saving this. I’m with you 100%. Well said
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kwlr5 wrote
It is if you’re gonna cry ‘illegitimate committee’ and use thatBS as a reason to ignore their findings.
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kwre7 wrote
And there you go again. No facts, no intelligence, just smart ass replies and distract distract distract
mojojoemojo t1_j1kwxgu wrote
Damning, yes. Surprising, no
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kx3sj wrote
Really? Keep reading because there was no extra security because trump Never Called For Any! No calls logged Before or DURING inserrection! You really have to lay off the fox talking points. Hannity just admitted he didn’t believe the rigged election line from day One. Fox LIES to you
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kxfbx wrote
How do you BIAS facts? Did you actually Watch any of the hearings? To all the Republicans who testified?
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kxq06 wrote
WHY would they as Pelosi???? What part of the insurrection was she involved in? Has ANYONE said ANYTHING about Pelosi? Except again Fox News, Hannity, trumpy, Carlson ….
RipTide275 t1_j1kxx2j wrote
Thanks dork
Eyesopen52 t1_j1kxy9s wrote
What does that even Mean??? tell us what her part would be? did she go to their meetings? send numerous emails to Meadows? Hang out with proud Boys & Oath Keepers? WHAT?
RipTide275 t1_j1ky9nu wrote
Accept the election results? Trump was impeached before his inauguration! 😂
RipTide275 t1_j1kyg2e wrote
Fine you got me on a technicality In January those 2 won’t be R’s. Feel better?
SubjectLast6251 t1_j1kyibz wrote
Is treason not a thing anymore!??!
RipTide275 t1_j1kykmw wrote
Left is smart. Right is dumb. Got it. I don’t know you at all but I will bet my bottom dollar I’m smarter than you
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kzt59 wrote
>Accept the election results? Trump was impeached before his inauguration! 😂
You aren't the brightest bulb if you think impeachment (for crimes in office) and election denial are the same thing.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kzwv4 wrote
So, based on your logic, if someone isn't an elected representative they aren't a Republican either? Regardless of their ideology, voting record, etc.?
I think you're just a troll.
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j1l3foo wrote
I hope d.o.j. feels the need now to go after these 2nd tier insurrectionists, indict them and give them the max jail terms they deserve.
[deleted] t1_j1lisjr wrote
couchgodd t1_j1lw1mz wrote
Lol. Talk about a nothing burger.
cpr4life8 t1_j1lw53l wrote
Funny that you mention signs. I still hear people say they don't understand how Biden or Fetterman or Shapiro won because their side had more yard signs. 🙄
micheleod t1_j1lwqx2 wrote
So what!
ljflintstone t1_j1m3j80 wrote
Patriots know Mastriano is a horrible person.
ljflintstone t1_j1m3k60 wrote
Patriots disagree.
Relax007 t1_j1ma4lk wrote
I see that too here in backwoods Trump country. Like, yeah, people are afraid to put signs up because cult members might attack them.
Also, they cover their yards with signs the way teenagers cover their rooms with posters of celebrities they love. They’re just politicians. Calm the fuck down. I like some of them, but I’m not making it my identity.
pocketbookashtray t1_j1mhlec wrote
Anyone reading the January 6 report and thinking it’s factual is hilarious.
ItsjustJim621 t1_j1mhuiw wrote
We all saw it happen live.
So you’re refusing to believe sworn testimony of former Trump aides? They’re also republicans. So are they lying too? How do you reconcile that?
dratseb t1_j1mk36f wrote
It’s probably a troll bot, don’t engage
danappropriate t1_j1q6doz wrote
What you are saying is barely conjecture—we’ve seen Republicans run this exact dog and pony show before with the Benghazi investigations.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1q7bf0 wrote
That’s how I know exactly how it’s going to play out.
-TheFarce- t1_j1iogrr wrote
> But the report lays bare the extent of his conversations, showing he was in direct contact with the former president several times in the lead-up to the Capitol attack, and wanted to pressure Vice President Mike Pence on Trump’s behalf.
The amount of contact Traitor Doug and the orange guy had in the weeks leading up to insurrection is, somehow, surprising and damning.
Real glad Mastriano lost the election.