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discogeek t1_j2tc8wr wrote

Yup, all those southern Democrats abandoned the party and swapped to GOP because of these bills, as seen by the plummeting number of Democrats that hated these bills and the constant rise of Republican opposition.

Not sure what your point is here, you're highlighting that the evolution of partisan racism in America was fueled with a mass exodus of anti-rights politicians from D to R.

But you be you and keep living in one snapshot of the past.


ryeley323 t1_j2tclr6 wrote

Oh yea you're talking about the dixiecrats. Yea that was 1948. 3 dixiecrats moved to the republican side and the rest were absorbed back into the democratic party.


discogeek t1_j2tdv8r wrote

And they're still Democrats? C'mon, quit being a troll making up arguments that don't hold water. You and I and everyone in the world all know your argument is fake, referencing one year ignores the political movement of southern realignment completely.

I'd expect better intellectual discourse from someone who wants to discuss politics, but I guess it's pretty clear you're not here to discuss, just to own the libs.

You be you.


ryeley323 t1_j2tgwpc wrote

So, then you can give us the history of the southern realignment?


discogeek t1_j2th5ut wrote

I wrote a comprehensive published paper on it in grad school, yes I can talk with authority on this topic.


Lunamothknits t1_j2thh6w wrote

Gosh. I bet they don’t reply back. πŸ˜‚πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


underwear11 t1_j2u2dn7 wrote

Would have been awesome if they just posted a link to their paper upon any reply.


Radack1 t1_j2u7enx wrote

Ngl would love to get a look at this if it's accessible online. Ik a reasonable amount about that period but not as much as id like to