tyrael459 t1_j2tibvg wrote
Reply to comment by ryeley323 in In a desperate power grab, PA House Republicans ignore the will of the voters | ACLU Pennsylvania by boundfortrees
But the take away is: What the fuck is your point? I wasn’t a democrat back then. I wasn’t even alive back then. Why the fuck does it matter what democrats voted for in the 40s in terms of what the parties stand for today aside from academic trivia? It’s clearly not what democrats stand for today.
I sure hope you’re not someone who gets their knickers in a twist when stuff like reparations and history lessons about slavery making people “feel bad” hit the headlines, because you’re essentially advocating for people today being tied to what people 80 years ago did as a fucked-up “gotcha” piece of garbage.
ryeley323 t1_j2tkipi wrote
Relax. Reading up on the southern strategy now. Sounds eerily familiar to what's happening today. Sounds like history is repeating itself. Looks like your knickers are twisted.
discogeek t1_j2trkg9 wrote
Do you want my paper on the topic? :D
ryeley323 t1_j2trwv3 wrote
I'd read it.
discogeek t1_j2tv2fo wrote
Honestly, it's a fascinating topic and I'm happy to answer any questions you'd have - Wikipedia has some basic info. I've debated doing a YouTube channel with stuff like this for years too but I'm no good at video editing.
The paper compared the 1934 / 1964 / 1994 elections and analyzed them as realignment years. (My conclusion was these were massive "wave" elections like 2010 and 2018 but realignments are generational and not able to pinpoint to one specific event.)
I'm happy to discuss the academics behind it with you or anyone interested. Don't ask me to dig up the old statistical regressions or plot charts though, I'd have to go to the attic to find the original paper.
ryeley323 t1_j2txahw wrote
Awesome. I'm greatly appreciative. Just a FYI I'm not anti democrat or pro Republican. I just absolutely hate political posts on this sub.
underwear11 t1_j2u2pit wrote
Ignoring the politics is exactly how bad things happen.
ryeley323 t1_j2u49b2 wrote
Problem solved.
underwear11 t1_j2u73p7 wrote
I'll expand my statement. Ignoring basic rights violations because you don't like "politics" is how bad things happen.
ryeley323 t1_j2u7z1n wrote
Who's rights are being violated? Never said I don't like politics. Just feel there's a better place to discuss them than this sub. Such as...... You guessed it. r/pennsylvaniapolitics
underwear11 t1_j2u84b6 wrote
Is the ability to vote for your representatives not a right?
ryeley323 t1_j2u90xs wrote
Umm. Yea. Are we on the same page?
underwear11 t1_j2ua74l wrote
Great! We're on the same page so far. Would you say that obstructing the ability to vote or perform an election would be a violation to that right?
ryeley323 t1_j2ub802 wrote
Listen, if you're telling me that someone thats registered, has a valid ID and a polling place is somehow being prevented from voting. I'm not hearing it.
underwear11 t1_j2ujm8r wrote
Worse! They are actively trying to stall the entire election so they maintain majority.
discogeek t1_j2u5mgt wrote
No worries at all. I don't hide it, I'm a Democrat and very politically active. Husband is a big MAGA Trump Republican, so I don't put political positions and good social interaction on the same side of the equation.
ryeley323 t1_j2u76v6 wrote
That's awesome especially in today's world. I'm personally an independent that leans conservative but will always give a hand to those in need. We're all human and having different opinions makes us who we are. The world would be boring if we all had the same views. My apologies if I came off hostel earlier. I am just a big teddy bear in real life.
discogeek t1_j2u8nme wrote
It's Reddit and easy to feel like you're going overboard sometimes. I'm sure if I ever had the privilege of meeting you and yours in person I'd be buying the first round of beers.
Bet you and the husband would have a long discussion about hunting.
ryeley323 t1_j2u9mb5 wrote
First, it would be my privilege. Second I'm sure we could play paper, rock scissor to see who buys the first round.
tyrael459 t1_j2tm2ce wrote
In other words, no response of substance to what your actual point is supposed to be, just pointless projection about knickers?
ryeley323 t1_j2tmegb wrote
Did you read the first comment dip shit?
tyrael459 t1_j2tt32l wrote
Alright, first comment, let’s see… other dude said GOP has ignored the will of the voters for 70 years. You chime in that the democrats voted against Civil Rights back in the 50s and 60s.
Again, so the fuck what? What the actual fuck does that have to do with anything the Democrats are doing right now? The other guy’s comment had a clear through line between history and contemporary GOP voting patterns, while your comment is a petulant “but all these mostly dead dudes from the Democrat party of 70 years ago made these terrible votes.”
You have a bad day and just need to blow off steam or something? There’s no fucking point other “I know you are but what am I,” with the ridiculous topping of using examples from 70 fucking years ago.
ryeley323 t1_j2tup9h wrote
Lmao. Ruffled your feathers. Don't you have some world of war craft to play? Or twizzle you man bun up in cute flower?
tyrael459 t1_j2twruw wrote
So again, no actual response. What a joke. Pathetic.
ryeley323 t1_j2txm64 wrote
Na, not gonna waste time on you. Anyone who has to use Fuck two dozen times in two posts probably doesn't have any insight on yhe subject anyways. You're a loser who plays WoW. That's all I need to know.
tyrael459 t1_j2txs8z wrote
I think everyone following this thread knows who the loser is.
ryeley323 t1_j2ty4f7 wrote
Lmao!!! That's the difference between you and I. I don't have feelings. I dont care what others think. Enjoy!
tyrael459 t1_j2tycsm wrote
You don’t have feelings? Dang, man, I didn’t realize. Honestly, I’m sorry. I don’t know why anyone would say something like that seemingly with pride.
ryeley323 t1_j2tysvu wrote
Dam tootin. Will never lose a wink of sleep over what internet strangers think. You should try it.
tyrael459 t1_j2u1kuk wrote
Not me, sorry. I will admit that I have feelings, even when it comes to internet strangers. We’re all human and should just try to help one another. Sorry for the fucks.
ryeley323 t1_j2u2dzq wrote
No worries. I swear too but I really have no feelings. I'll help anyone who's willing to help themselves. That's why I'm reading up on Southern strategy and even a fellow redditor is sending me a comprehensive paper they wrote on the subject in college. I'm not anti Democrat or even pro republican. Frankly both parties suck. All good man. Sleep well!
Dickenstein69 t1_j2u9byh wrote
You must be fun at parties. Lmao
ryeley323 t1_j2u9p1t wrote
Like it's 1999.
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