fenuxjde t1_j2swbyj wrote
Hasn't ignoring the will of the voters been the GOP playbook for like 70 years now?
artificialavocado t1_j2sxbx6 wrote
Republicans have always hated democracy and hate America.
boundfortrees OP t1_j2sxc2j wrote
You can reach out to Minority Leader Bryan Cutler here:
Tell him he must respect the will of Pennsylvania voters!
drunkmonkey176 t1_j2sxuzo wrote
Nothing but domestic terrorist trash.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2t1950 wrote
I mean, they're appealing to THEIR voters. That's what politicians do.
[deleted] t1_j2t2ivz wrote
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2t2scj wrote
Lol. Lmao, even. Democrats promising to turn me into a felon overnight and the Supreme Court being the only thing stopping them, does NOT in any way constitute "representation"
ThrowawayPhucough t1_j2t2ugo wrote
‘Now, state House Republicans are trying to delay the special elections, vote themselves into leadership positions, and delay the transfer of power as long as they can. Why?’
Short answer: Because that’s what they do.
Does no one understand how hard it is to line your pockets if you have to focus on other people? /s
AgentDaxis t1_j2t5chi wrote
THEIR voters represent a dwindling minority in PA.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2t5nul wrote
Minorities still have rights you know
susinpgh t1_j2t72xj wrote
In what possible way has it become de rigueur to refer to the Republican party as a minority?
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2t77jc wrote
He literally just did lmao
hemiones t1_j2t8xss wrote
What are you talking about man?
ryeley323 t1_j2t9bhl wrote
You should look up how the parties voted for the civil rights acts of 58, 60 and 64.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2t9pki wrote
I would vote for Democrats if they stopped supporting gun control and AWBs is all. Plus the excessive taxes are pretty awful, and they could be tougher on crime. I really don't like voting Republican but I ain't pinning my mags to 10 rounds.
ArchaeoJones t1_j2t9ytx wrote
Oh quit lying. You already sound enough like a tinfoil hat nutjob.
spartacuscollective t1_j2ta562 wrote
You might as well argue that apartheid in South Africa was about "minority rights" since whites technically were in the minority. Absolutely ridiculous.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2ta7jd wrote
I ain't pinning my mags to 10 rounds, don't give a shit what laws they want to pass.
spartacuscollective t1_j2tab0d wrote
Whatever happened to the American right hating whiners and perpetual victims?
ArchaeoJones t1_j2tahsm wrote
Cry harder dude.
It's not our fault you chose to be ammosexual.
fenuxjde t1_j2talyc wrote
60 years, sorry. Sometimes I forget to carry the one.
ryeley323 t1_j2tauru wrote
Yea you didn't look that it was democrats that objected most of the civil liberties we have today.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2tbbq6 wrote
Ain't my choice either. I didn't choose to be bisexual either but here we are.
discogeek t1_j2tc8wr wrote
Yup, all those southern Democrats abandoned the party and swapped to GOP because of these bills, as seen by the plummeting number of Democrats that hated these bills and the constant rise of Republican opposition.
Not sure what your point is here, you're highlighting that the evolution of partisan racism in America was fueled with a mass exodus of anti-rights politicians from D to R.
But you be you and keep living in one snapshot of the past.
hemiones t1_j2tcalu wrote
I ask this is all seriousness, what scenario do you see yourself needing such a powerful gun? Why is military grade required in your everyday.
ryeley323 t1_j2tclr6 wrote
Oh yea you're talking about the dixiecrats. Yea that was 1948. 3 dixiecrats moved to the republican side and the rest were absorbed back into the democratic party.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2tcnih wrote
You do realize almost every 9mm handgun holds more than 10 rounds right? Mine is a compact and it shipped with 13 round mags, but the 15s are the same size.
As for my AR15, it's just about bare minimum for home defense. A rifle is always better for aiming, and shotguns are awful for multiple intruder scenarios
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j2tcvoj wrote
Cheaters gonna cheat. The gqp is a cult of backhanded schemers who do not give a shit about the voting citizens who need effective government.
ArchaeoJones t1_j2td0gs wrote
... wow dude. Comparing biology to having a shit mentality. Way to go.
defusted t1_j2td48k wrote
Why is it that every time the civil rights movement comes up there is always some asshole who conveniently forgets the pivot of the two parties in 1964. The Democrats who opposed the civil rights movement of the 60s are the current Republican party. You assholes aren't the party of Lincoln, you're the party of trump. Stop trying to tell people the Democrats are the real racists when it's the GOP that gets the support of the KKK and other domestic terrorists groups.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2tdlgg wrote
I did not choose to understand what is necessary to defend oneself against any and all threats, nor the necessity to preserve the rights of the individual, just as I did not choose to be attracted to males, females, and everyone inbetween.
discogeek t1_j2tdv8r wrote
And they're still Democrats? C'mon, quit being a troll making up arguments that don't hold water. You and I and everyone in the world all know your argument is fake, referencing one year ignores the political movement of southern realignment completely.
I'd expect better intellectual discourse from someone who wants to discuss politics, but I guess it's pretty clear you're not here to discuss, just to own the libs.
You be you.
all4whatnot t1_j2tdx60 wrote
Times have changed. A lot. If you are trying to say that the R’s are the current party of progress you are sadly blinded by something.
ryeley323 t1_j2teb16 wrote
Equal liberties? Certainly not the D.
woodcuttersDaughter t1_j2tef2q wrote
It never occurs to them that they could have power if they supported policies that supported and were popular among their constituents. No, they insist on being anti-democratic, fascist nut jobs.
ryeley323 t1_j2tgwpc wrote
So, then you can give us the history of the southern realignment?
discogeek t1_j2th5ut wrote
I wrote a comprehensive published paper on it in grad school, yes I can talk with authority on this topic.
hvacthrowaway223 t1_j2th89l wrote
Last I looked at this, though, they are just following the rules. There are no “parties” recognized, it’s just who gets the most votes. If the republicans can get enough votes, then they get their person in. Until the full chamber is seated and then it goes back again. There is no “will of the voters”, just votes.
Lunamothknits t1_j2thh6w wrote
Gosh. I bet they don’t reply back. 😂💁🏻♀️
MomsSpecialFriend t1_j2thrfk wrote
Only 10% of Pennsylvanians support their anti abortion policy, they are pandering to only a fringe group.
ryeley323 t1_j2thszi wrote
Spit it out then. Enlighten me.
Lunamothknits t1_j2thu8o wrote
An AR is a horrible choice for close quarters. What an absolute fud. 🤡
Instead of crying about mag load limits, maybe go to the range and git good.
Specialist-Extent299 t1_j2ti1l8 wrote
Go go go!
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2ti6c2 wrote
I am also pro-choice. I'm primarily pro-2A, however.
discogeek t1_j2tibgi wrote
I did already. See above.
tyrael459 t1_j2tibvg wrote
But the take away is: What the fuck is your point? I wasn’t a democrat back then. I wasn’t even alive back then. Why the fuck does it matter what democrats voted for in the 40s in terms of what the parties stand for today aside from academic trivia? It’s clearly not what democrats stand for today.
I sure hope you’re not someone who gets their knickers in a twist when stuff like reparations and history lessons about slavery making people “feel bad” hit the headlines, because you’re essentially advocating for people today being tied to what people 80 years ago did as a fucked-up “gotcha” piece of garbage.
[deleted] t1_j2tii4d wrote
tyrael459 t1_j2tisdo wrote
Fine, but why delay the special elections?
PatientNice t1_j2tj2hg wrote
This will be resolved eventually. We need to vote more Democrats in so there can never be a stupid ploy like this.
ryeley323 t1_j2tkipi wrote
Relax. Reading up on the southern strategy now. Sounds eerily familiar to what's happening today. Sounds like history is repeating itself. Looks like your knickers are twisted.
Nipplehau t1_j2tlcr5 wrote
I'm generally I'm favor of some forms of firearm regulation.
People on the left need to stop calling standard ARs powerful guns. They're easy and comfortable to shoot. They're highly customizable. They are the same form factor and fire the same rounds as a standard military select fire weapon. But they're not 'powerful' guns relative to most of the things an average gun owner may own. The round a standard AR shoots is just barely legal for deer hunting in most states based on size.
The bullet a standard AR shoots carries almost half the energy that a normal hunting round carries.
Edit: And to actually answer your question about in what scenario I felt like I wanted one, I bought one specifically for pig hunting in the southern US. It's simply one of the best options for that. I haven't had one charge me yet, but I don't want to be fumbling with a bolt or a more cumbersome gun if one ever does. There are a lot of other very similar options that most people wouldn't associate with the military that I could have gotten, but the AR is widely available and can be relatively inexpensive.
tehroz t1_j2tlftr wrote
I love that ya'll think there's a difference between Democrats and Republicans.
tyrael459 t1_j2tm2ce wrote
In other words, no response of substance to what your actual point is supposed to be, just pointless projection about knickers?
ryeley323 t1_j2tmegb wrote
Did you read the first comment dip shit?
Rmlady12152 t1_j2tn5lp wrote
Fucking traitors to the people,
MegaGrubby t1_j2to33v wrote
here for those who don't want to copy and paste
internetcommunist t1_j2tomdz wrote
The Republican Party needs to be destroyed completely
KoolKingler t1_j2tpxd1 wrote
You got any evidence that isn't 60 years old?
rjb5065 t1_j2trc7u wrote
You mean like Tom Wolfe did during covid?
discogeek t1_j2trkg9 wrote
Do you want my paper on the topic? :D
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j2trvnw wrote
You're just going to blantantly ignore the party switch and Southern strategy aint cha...
I'll tell you one thing. It's not the Democrats waving Confederate flags.... Lincoln would be ashamed of what the GOP has turned into.
ryeley323 t1_j2trwv3 wrote
I'd read it.
tyrael459 t1_j2tt32l wrote
Alright, first comment, let’s see… other dude said GOP has ignored the will of the voters for 70 years. You chime in that the democrats voted against Civil Rights back in the 50s and 60s.
Again, so the fuck what? What the actual fuck does that have to do with anything the Democrats are doing right now? The other guy’s comment had a clear through line between history and contemporary GOP voting patterns, while your comment is a petulant “but all these mostly dead dudes from the Democrat party of 70 years ago made these terrible votes.”
You have a bad day and just need to blow off steam or something? There’s no fucking point other “I know you are but what am I,” with the ridiculous topping of using examples from 70 fucking years ago.
eMPereb t1_j2tt5gs wrote
Ahh it’s the 🤡💩’s playbook
eMPereb t1_j2tt8eo wrote
eMPereb t1_j2tta9v wrote
eMPereb t1_j2ttqao wrote
There are a bunch of other amendments too, just saying…
[deleted] t1_j2tttyu wrote
hvacthrowaway223 t1_j2ttu4k wrote
To give themselves more time.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2tu0r6 wrote
Correct. The 2nd helps protect them.
cruelhumor t1_j2tu0rz wrote
Well they are doing a fine job of eating themselves alive right now, so that's nice
tyrael459 t1_j2tucno wrote
ryeley323 t1_j2tup9h wrote
Lmao. Ruffled your feathers. Don't you have some world of war craft to play? Or twizzle you man bun up in cute flower?
sprcpr t1_j2tv1yo wrote
This is always a hilarious response. As though uncle Jumbo with his AR is going to protect 'merica.
discogeek t1_j2tv2fo wrote
Honestly, it's a fascinating topic and I'm happy to answer any questions you'd have - Wikipedia has some basic info. I've debated doing a YouTube channel with stuff like this for years too but I'm no good at video editing.
The paper compared the 1934 / 1964 / 1994 elections and analyzed them as realignment years. (My conclusion was these were massive "wave" elections like 2010 and 2018 but realignments are generational and not able to pinpoint to one specific event.)
I'm happy to discuss the academics behind it with you or anyone interested. Don't ask me to dig up the old statistical regressions or plot charts though, I'd have to go to the attic to find the original paper.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2tv7h2 wrote
Threats from within, really. A rifle was more than a match for JFK, and he was loved. Imagine how poorly it would go for a truly hated politician.
tyrael459 t1_j2twruw wrote
So again, no actual response. What a joke. Pathetic.
RipTide275 t1_j2tx70z wrote
What do you think happens to your civil liberties and taxes if you let them take your guns. 2A
ryeley323 t1_j2txahw wrote
Awesome. I'm greatly appreciative. Just a FYI I'm not anti democrat or pro Republican. I just absolutely hate political posts on this sub.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2txd0f wrote
Which is why I have no choice but to vote red.
ryeley323 t1_j2txm64 wrote
Na, not gonna waste time on you. Anyone who has to use Fuck two dozen times in two posts probably doesn't have any insight on yhe subject anyways. You're a loser who plays WoW. That's all I need to know.
tyrael459 t1_j2txs8z wrote
I think everyone following this thread knows who the loser is.
ryeley323 t1_j2ty4f7 wrote
Lmao!!! That's the difference between you and I. I don't have feelings. I dont care what others think. Enjoy!
tyrael459 t1_j2tycsm wrote
You don’t have feelings? Dang, man, I didn’t realize. Honestly, I’m sorry. I don’t know why anyone would say something like that seemingly with pride.
Cogatanu7CC95 t1_j2tylpo wrote
To overthrow the elections they lost
googlebearbanana t1_j2tymmt wrote
Can I just say that I hate them all. Vile people.
ryeley323 t1_j2tysvu wrote
Dam tootin. Will never lose a wink of sleep over what internet strangers think. You should try it.
bk1285 t1_j2u056b wrote
The republicans that get held up as the greatness of the party, Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln would not be republicans today
[deleted] t1_j2u09c1 wrote
ryeley323 t1_j2u0g3t wrote
JFK would be rolling in his grave too. Both parties suck. Bottom line.
tyrael459 t1_j2u1kuk wrote
Not me, sorry. I will admit that I have feelings, even when it comes to internet strangers. We’re all human and should just try to help one another. Sorry for the fucks.
underwear11 t1_j2u2dn7 wrote
Would have been awesome if they just posted a link to their paper upon any reply.
ryeley323 t1_j2u2dzq wrote
No worries. I swear too but I really have no feelings. I'll help anyone who's willing to help themselves. That's why I'm reading up on Southern strategy and even a fellow redditor is sending me a comprehensive paper they wrote on the subject in college. I'm not anti Democrat or even pro republican. Frankly both parties suck. All good man. Sleep well!
PencilTucky t1_j2u2lmt wrote
More than a match? He was shot in the back of the head for fucks sake. Was he going to good-guy-with-a-gun out of that one? What a terrible argument.
underwear11 t1_j2u2pit wrote
Ignoring the politics is exactly how bad things happen.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2u2rgg wrote
I'm saying politicians are far more vulnerable than their military, and to take down a tyrannical government you AVOID having shootouts with soldiers.
tyrael459 t1_j2u3261 wrote
Thanks, man, same!
Aes_Should_Die t1_j2u39ua wrote
Except that it shouldn’t be that for a party to take power they blow out the other party. For the losing power to have power they just need to get close. It’s disgusting.
Aes_Should_Die t1_j2u3d9t wrote
It’s how 2/3 GOP presidential terms have been won this century
ryeley323 t1_j2u49b2 wrote
Problem solved.
[deleted] t1_j2u4og5 wrote
discogeek t1_j2u5mgt wrote
No worries at all. I don't hide it, I'm a Democrat and very politically active. Husband is a big MAGA Trump Republican, so I don't put political positions and good social interaction on the same side of the equation.
[deleted] t1_j2u5swb wrote
[deleted] t1_j2u6cw6 wrote
underwear11 t1_j2u73p7 wrote
I'll expand my statement. Ignoring basic rights violations because you don't like "politics" is how bad things happen.
ryeley323 t1_j2u76v6 wrote
That's awesome especially in today's world. I'm personally an independent that leans conservative but will always give a hand to those in need. We're all human and having different opinions makes us who we are. The world would be boring if we all had the same views. My apologies if I came off hostel earlier. I am just a big teddy bear in real life.
Radack1 t1_j2u7enx wrote
Ngl would love to get a look at this if it's accessible online. Ik a reasonable amount about that period but not as much as id like to
M2hBDf1Nhw1VB7 t1_j2u7rqf wrote
It’s the most popular home defense gun. Break ins occur with groups of intruders these days. A rifle evens those odds. There are more AR-15s than F-150s in America. The F-150 is the most popular selling vehicle in this country and must be registered. An AR-15 in most states doesn’t need registration so there are even more than we know about.
I keep an AR-15 in a safe in my bedroom. Considering a break in occurs while sleeping, being tired vs wide awake attackers, the 30 round standard magazine and the low recoil of the smaller 5.56 round leaving a 16” barrel means I have the advantage. Why do I need this over other options? It’s my fucking home. If someone comes here to do harm to me or my family, I want every advantage over them. I don’t want a fair fight. I want to win. (Obviously I’d prefer no fight and no break in)
ryeley323 t1_j2u7z1n wrote
Who's rights are being violated? Never said I don't like politics. Just feel there's a better place to discuss them than this sub. Such as...... You guessed it. r/pennsylvaniapolitics
underwear11 t1_j2u84b6 wrote
Is the ability to vote for your representatives not a right?
ryeley323 t1_j2u862k wrote
You ever make it to the Laurel highlands, hit me up. I'll buy the first round and we can have a civil debate.
discogeek t1_j2u8nme wrote
It's Reddit and easy to feel like you're going overboard sometimes. I'm sure if I ever had the privilege of meeting you and yours in person I'd be buying the first round of beers.
Bet you and the husband would have a long discussion about hunting.
ryeley323 t1_j2u90xs wrote
Umm. Yea. Are we on the same page?
Dickenstein69 t1_j2u9byh wrote
You must be fun at parties. Lmao
ryeley323 t1_j2u9mb5 wrote
First, it would be my privilege. Second I'm sure we could play paper, rock scissor to see who buys the first round.
ryeley323 t1_j2u9p1t wrote
Like it's 1999.
PatientNice t1_j2u9tvl wrote
You are absolutely correct. I just want these do nothing Republicans thrown out.
Annahsbananas t1_j2u9y9e wrote
Your US history is appalling. What happens next? Looks at southern states
ryeley323 t1_j2ua2j5 wrote
How so? Enlighten me.
underwear11 t1_j2ua74l wrote
Great! We're on the same page so far. Would you say that obstructing the ability to vote or perform an election would be a violation to that right?
Annahsbananas t1_j2uaetj wrote
Oh Jesus Christ. Not another aLl PaRtiES Are The SaME
Annahsbananas t1_j2uawmz wrote
Google, schools, and the Public Library. Those are the first places anyone should start.
Get off your ass and learn something
ryeley323 t1_j2ub802 wrote
Listen, if you're telling me that someone thats registered, has a valid ID and a polling place is somehow being prevented from voting. I'm not hearing it.
tehroz t1_j2ublsl wrote
Educate me, then. Or does randomly using the shift key constitute the full spectrum of your cognitive ability?
CraWLee t1_j2ufhur wrote
Shocker. Common wealth means nothing anymore unless it benefits the elites.
CraWLee t1_j2ugdzi wrote
Fun fact, republican and democratic parties flip flop all the time, they've done so over 5 or 6 times since the inception of USA. In case you don't know what I'm talking about... Republicans use to be far left and democrats were far right, over and over again over the last couple centuries+...
underwear11 t1_j2ujm8r wrote
Worse! They are actively trying to stall the entire election so they maintain majority.
[deleted] t1_j2ukd7e wrote
colnelburton t1_j2ulimz wrote
A quick lookup (article VI, Sectional 628) has me thinking that the next set of elections (primary, municipal, or general) will have to include the special elections, right? But that assumes that the presiding officer of the legislative branch filed the appropriate writs. Do we know if that happened? Last, and not least, there's a clause that says under certain conditions the presiding officer can just choose to not hold the special election if they deem it not in the public interest. Is that what's at stake here - republicans claiming legislation leadership and just cancelling the special elections entirely?
tyrael459 t1_j2ulynu wrote
Sounds good, will do.
yeags86 t1_j2uo6gv wrote
If you need more than 10 rounds, your aim must be pretty fucking atrocious.
gus2155 t1_j2us8jr wrote
Let's tear the statues down then.
BeatsMeByDre t1_j2usk8f wrote
I just did it but seriously does sending an email ever do anything?
bk1285 t1_j2uswl3 wrote
BoTh SiDeS aRe BaD
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2uuq08 wrote
This is exactly why we need to change the rules to state that a person cannot run for two offices at the same time. If you are a State Representative and you want to run for Congress, then you run for Congress. That way another person can run for your now-vacant State Representative position and we won't see situations like this happen again.
Are the Republicans playing dirty? Yes.
But ultimately this is the fault of Summer Lee for running for PA House and the House of Representatives in the same election. She created the situation herself. If Summer Lee and Austin Davis had only run for higher office (Congress and Lt. Gov) and allowed others to run for their state-level offices, Democrats would control the State House and this wouldn't be an issue.
MegaGrubby t1_j2uv67z wrote
so do nothing is better? So many nihilists
[deleted] t1_j2uwhu9 wrote
ryeley323 t1_j2uwn1z wrote
Do what you want. I don't care.
[deleted] t1_j2uwsi3 wrote
eMPereb t1_j2uxeio wrote
Yes and again there are others not just #2
[deleted] t1_j2uzuk4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2uzxzh wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v04q0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v09ev wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0gkb wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0jg4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0n0z wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0nj5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0plq wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0s9k wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v0snj wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v11lg wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v14ns wrote
[deleted] t1_j2v18i3 wrote
Lunamothknits t1_j2v2vlr wrote
Y’all are exactly why reform needs to happen. I would bet my entire house on you never training with that weapon for close quarters. Because you’d know better. But be a fud, I’m sure it’ll go just fine.
[deleted] t1_j2v4ezh wrote
Josh4R3d t1_j2vbbpk wrote
Wow you’re such an intellectual and so enlightened
buglossbugwon t1_j2vc0r1 wrote
The House Republicans did win the statewide popular vote, though
tehroz t1_j2vc50m wrote
I’d be more than happy to discuss further, without snark or sarcasm, if that’s possible.
While the parties differ, the people do not. They’re all power hungry, greedy, and self centered.
Prove me wrong.
[deleted] t1_j2vhfxl wrote
[deleted] t1_j2viqc2 wrote
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2vyycy wrote
I have seen several videos, and heard of even more instances, of people being shot more than 10 times and still living long enough to stab the person shooting them.
[deleted] t1_j2w254b wrote
TwitterTapeParade t1_j2wat79 wrote
You are using that word wrong. nihilists are people that believe in no moral truths and that defines those of no faith. Those who believe in evolution, natural selection, and that children should be taught to think they can be any gender they want with puberty blockers and life destroying surgeries. That is the new Democrat party.
crispydukes t1_j2wg7rb wrote
>If you are trying to say that the R’s are the current party of progress you are sadly blinded by something.
This right here. Look at the political party that currently aligns with the KKK, Neo-nazis, confederate apologists, covert racists, fascists, authoritarians, etc. Spoiler alert: it's the Republican party.
I_am_Daesomst t1_j2whby1 wrote
Tell me more.
I_am_Daesomst t1_j2whevc wrote
I_am_Daesomst t1_j2whvok wrote
Were those videos a part of the movie T2: Judgment Day?
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2whxvl wrote
Just your average crackheads
I_am_Daesomst t1_j2wi9p6 wrote
There isn't a crackhead in this state that's going to handle 5 rounds from the Judge.
Donotaskmedontellme t1_j2wiign wrote
Maybe if you're running the .45 longcolts, but even then there was an instance where the bathsalts face eater dude took like 30+ rounds, from .45 acp and .357 magnum before dropping.
I_am_Daesomst t1_j2wkjoy wrote
Do you have a source? The guy that was eating a homeless guy's face in Florida 10 years ago was brought down by 4 shots, but you may be referring to a different attack.
Either way, I'm less than concerned about it. I'm a Capricorn, but I have faith in Taurus.
[deleted] t1_j2wucll wrote
[deleted] t1_j2wukth wrote
Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_j2wxq8z wrote
That is why President Lincoln, who was a Republican, freed the slaves. I guess because he hated America and hated democracy. Check out the facts...
FerDeLancer t1_j2wz3wv wrote
This isnt a GOP exclusive trait
Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_j2wzn08 wrote
Pretty much has all the facts right.... But what exactly is wrong with letting the voters decide on amendments?? It's not the will of the General Assembly then, It is the will of the majority of voters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
artificialavocado t1_j2x01un wrote
Dude this is the stupidest talking point. Starting in the early 20th century, there was a complete party re-alignment. In Lincoln’s time, the Republican Party was the “left” party and the Democrats were the “right” party. Literally anyone who’s “checked the facts” should know this. It’s not even controversial.
pocketbookashtray t1_j2x7r1t wrote
Hilarious headline. The real headline should be “crybaby Democrats again want to change the rules when they don’t win”.
pocketbookashtray t1_j2x7y1m wrote
You do realize that the Democrats do not currently hold the most seats. Way to ignore the facts. But hey, I’m guessing you’re a liberal so that goes without saying.
pocketbookashtray t1_j2xbd95 wrote
Democrats “these elections haven’t happened yet, but we’re sure we’ll win them”.
pocketbookashtray t1_j2xbf7b wrote
Democrats “these elections haven’t happened yet, but we’re sure we’ll win them”.
pocketbookashtray t1_j2xblzd wrote
Yep. Democrats never met an election they’ve not tried to steal.
baldude69 t1_j2xe2fy wrote
Are you aware the parties were essentially reversed 150 years ago? I think you are the one who needs to “check the facts”
Deerbooty t1_j2xffvw wrote
So no weed legalization? Lol
drunkmonkey176 t1_j2xgw5k wrote
Herd animal goes "Baaah!".
themollusk t1_j2xik9u wrote
I already contacted my freshman rep (Republican) to push this same thing... Fix PA election law to disallow running for multiple seats in the same cycle.
Maybe since the Rs are getting more burnt than the Ds with this, they'll actually try to make headway on it? 🤞
MegaGrubby t1_j2xmun2 wrote
How aren't these hate posts moderated? Six hours and still up.
edit: what's up /r/Pennsylvania ?
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j2xotb6 wrote
Republicans: “Let’s put off the elections and try to quickly pass some stuff nobody but us wants, before Democrats win again.”
themollusk t1_j2y28rd wrote
>But what exactly is wrong with letting the voters decide on amendments??
In theory and on paper? Nothing.
The issue is with how it's implemented and the threshold for passing. The US Constitution takes 2/3 of the House and Senate, and then 3/4 of the states to agree to it before an amendment goes through. In PA all it takes is 50% + 1 at every step of the process. The state GOP had been abusing the process in order to pass unpopular legislation that they wouldn't be able to muster enough votes to override a D governor's veto. For something as serious as amending the construction, a larger consensus should be made, not a skin of the teeth majority.
TwitterTapeParade t1_j2yw48d wrote
Maybe you are the hater? If you have the right to target people's comments then get over it snowflake.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2zrc6a wrote
Even if the Republicans support it, I don't see it passing the Democrat-controlled State House despite the fact that it almost cost them the Speaker position.
sinkingcost t1_j2sw5vx wrote
Sounds about Republican.