I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support.
Submitted by [deleted] t3_102kwfo in Pennsylvania
It's hard to pay support while you're in jail
This is my thought as well, shouldn't you be in jail anyway for a substantial time after vehicular manslaughter. It seems like anyone who serves such a sentence only to be released and owe massive debt is going to have zero incentive to work. Likely a jail bum for life, which doesn't seem to fix anything.
Also in cases where the individual has other child support obligations, doesn't this likely reduce the chances of any payment to zero.
Families should be entitled to a wrongful death settlement, child support shouldn't apply to this at all as it seems to cause more issues than solutions.
They do that on purpose so that when you get out, you're already in debt slavery to the state (unless you're rich). Slavery is alive and well in 2023.
There are many instances where you're correct. This is not one of them. You kill someone while driving drunk, you belong indebted to their family for life. It isn't a "mistake" or an "error in judgment." It's negligent homicide via selfish behavior.
Fuck people who drink and drive. They don't deserve pity, and they certainly don't deserve leniency in sentencing.
My statement wasn't really geared towards DUIs but a response to the reality so many come out of incarceration into. I have a friend who is back in jail because of legal debt he hasn't been able to overcome in the last few years. He'll be back in again in a couple years unless he can figure out how to make stacks. It's almost like they want them to get deeper into crime.
I am sympathetic toward such cases and you're not wrong that the criminal justice system is horribly classist and racist.
It's just that in this particular instance, I just can't find it in me to feel sympathy for those who drink and drive and ruin lives, though.
The point isn't to have sympathy, the point is to recognize a systemic problem and work to fix it. There's always going to be someone who "deserves" it but if the solution cripples more people than it helps and is otherwise completely unproductive outside of the privileged few who directly benefit from it, how can we, as a society, possibly justify keeping it around? What good it is?
They do. That's how the generate revenue.
I would wager that at least 50% of the population has driven over the limit at least once. America honestly drinks a ton. It's part of our culture at this point.
Exactly. You get behind the wheel when intoxicated and kill someone, you should be paying for it. Nothing will bring back the child's parent, but at least you can help them pay for college or have a cushion fund when they need it. Hopefully it goes straight into an account in the child's name.
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