Honestly this feels like some moderately decent written, buzz-word containing copy made for feel-good political promises that are (a) not feasible and (b) never going to happen even if they were.
The first problem I have with this is the very important factor that the money would have to come from somewhere in most cases. Unless we're going to take a more serious approach to the prison-labor topic, this wouldn't be all too feasible. Which honestly, for many reasons, I think should be looked at more seriously anyway. From a correction, reform, and even imprisonment angle, allowing prisoners to work inside (in most cases) the prison or even outside the prison for wages that can go towards their outside dues (child support included) and debt, their inside commissary, their outside family needs, and other things would be worth discussing at length. Especially since this aids to exit-rehabilitation because a lot of work would require training and this opens the gate to what an inmate may occupationally be able to do post-release. However, for so many reasons this sounds like it may prove functionally unfeasible -- especially where it comes to decision makers actually putting something beneficial in place rather than leave everything the same because their pockets are the ones being lined.
The second problem I have with this is that it probably won't happen. And I say this because there are other systems in place for wrongful death, pain and suffering, etc. But not only that, but there are also systems in place currently in 2023 that are supposedly erected and churned to work for people that are supposed to get any kind of support as it is and yet arrears still climb in many cases and in many of those cases is still left unchecked despite it supposedly being a crime and many other things. Yes, cases are pursued all the time for arrears and wage garnishment, litigation, jail time are imposed in some of those cases but not all and it's fair to say that many people owed support won't see that support and it's also fair to say that the system in some of those cases isn't going to or will claim to be unable to (falsely or factually) do anything about it. So, another system of support when all other cases of support are teeter-totters at best and fundamentally incapable of being relied upon seems like either a failure waiting to happen or even an idea that will never happen to the way that they're making it seem like it will happen if it even happens at all.
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