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maxwellington97 t1_j5sli2k wrote

Wait which road is this on? Was it NJ turnpike or Garden State Parkway?

And I don't know if NJ has an agreement with Canadian province to get your info like NY does. But if they do you'll get a bill in the mail and if not eh it'll probably fade but you can call the specific office and offer to pay the toll and not any fees.


raspoutine049 OP t1_j5smibw wrote

It was the one right when you cross into PA on Delaware Water Gap Toll Bridge from NJ.


maxwellington97 t1_j5sn4c5 wrote

Well lucky you. This is the agency running that bridge toll. Missing that will give you a fee but nothing compared to missing one of the actual turnpike tolls as this toll is only for the bridge.


raspoutine049 OP t1_j5snaon wrote

Thank you.


maxwellington97 t1_j5sndhm wrote

You may get a bill but honestly that's anyone's guess as I can't find any info on them having access to Canada plates and the worst the toll is would be $3


petefromeastpete t1_j5tbzck wrote

In addition to what maxwellington has said, you can look at their toll violation page at and contact them directly. Especially being in another country, if you want to make sure it’s taken care of, you might want to take the initiative and skip any international conflict over not getting their mail or something.