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cashonlyplz t1_j3glyb3 wrote

Trust the Committee of 70, the non-partisan election integrity commission.

They've been doing their darndest since 1927 at keeping PA's election system in good standing.

PA only had 3 instances of voter fraud in 2022, and that's even according to the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation

Also what flip-flopping has the media been doing? I don't necessarily disagree with you, but it helps your argument if you'd cite, uhm, anything. Otherwise, you're just hyperbolic noise, which I think people of all political stripes can agree is a large part of our current problems re: echo chambers.


xAsroilu t1_j3gymog wrote

I've been following election results since the voting became available for mail in from MSN, CNN, fox and other local reporting and some of them were talking about mail in ballots being counted before election day which is why I kept seeing leads shift before election day even arrived. They'd always say Oz was in the lead then Fetterman, back and forth etc. Everyone was reporting something different constantly.


cashonlyplz t1_j3jul1a wrote

Just FYI:

Polling is not official counting. Everything you hear prior to election day, is from emotional data garnered primarily from people who still have landline telephones.

Media does not have access to actual vote counts until election day. Corporate media is bad. I really encourage people to support their local newspapers!!