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No-Setting9690 t1_j65myrz wrote

Why is alcohol sacred? I bring this up due to opioid issues. I had one hell of a time getting any actual painkillers for a torn tendon. Took over two years to diagnose, ortho surgeon literally said to me "I need you to suffer for me to find it". Not true as the other surgeon who actually found the torn tendon, gave me relief. The pain industry has been messed up with addition issues. As sad as it is to have people addicted, it's a small percentage. An even larger percentage continue driving drunk, killing people or themselves in the process, sexual consent issues, the list goes on. So why have we not gotten rid of Alcohol? Why is it so sacred? Why do I get weird looks and questions when I tell people I don't drink? It's a personal thing, I just never acquired the taste and I cannot stand the affects of it.


oga_ogbeni t1_j67brx9 wrote

You may be surprised to learn that 103 years ago, we did get rid of alcohol. Things didn't get better.


CorthNarolina t1_j66efmt wrote

Agree. People are like “oh thank god there’ll be alcohol at this event where I don’t know anybody” Grow up? Embrace the awkward and get better at small talk then.


Outside_County_5239 t1_j66djpl wrote

I'm with you. I don't drink and don't enjoy it but does that mean that people who do shouldn't be able to? Also coming from a pill addiction, I'm pretty sure there's more ppl hooked than you think.