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psychcaptain t1_j3omgu0 wrote

Gettysburg and the surrounding area? It's pretty quiet right now, but you can really see a lot of the battlefield.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3omvtb wrote

(They mentioned they’ve been there.)


psychcaptain t1_j3omzsv wrote

They can go again. There are no laws against visiting more than once.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3on9o7 wrote

They said “problem is we’ve been to a ton of places” implying they are having a hard time and need our help coming up with someplace new and different, no?


psychcaptain t1_j3onkrc wrote

Who cares what OP wants. What he should do is visit the Battlefield again, and fill himself with the Spirit of Northern Triumph over the Traitorous South.

And then, he should ride through Georgia, burning everything in his path, in an omage to General Sherman!


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j3pneia wrote

Nah, go somewhere more fun than a boring old battlefield that local racists like to mentally jerk off over (not saying anyone who recommends it is one, just that some of my weirdo neighbors near there think wearing/using a confederate flag is a personality trait).
