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IamSauerKraut t1_j3xh7y6 wrote

>Try keeping an open mind and be less of a dick.

For $50, I can get a MM card. No doctor exam needed. Seems every Tom, Dick and Harry has a card regardless of actual need. I do not have a card, nor do I have the need for a card so, no, I am not a Dick.


Mijbr090490 t1_j3xo20t wrote

Ah, I see I've stumbled across the arbiter of ailments. Again, be less of a dick.


Rmlady12152 t1_j3ynnaq wrote

It’s 200.00 and you do have to have a Dr. Visit.


IamSauerKraut t1_j3z9vll wrote

No, not at all.

Indeed, there are a couple of lawsuits about it.
