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sneakysquid102 t1_j3yphe1 wrote

I am. I have been since I was a kid. You gonna give me 150k to leave ?


Rmlady12152 t1_j3yw9q9 wrote

Nope. That’s on you. I love PA.


sneakysquid102 t1_j3yx1s7 wrote

Well then you either live comfortably in a spot where no one bothers you or your delusional. Either way don't bark at me to leave, as if one I don't want to leave and 2 your not gonna do anything to aid that when I have no means of leaving. Have a good one


Rmlady12152 t1_j3zvln4 wrote

Nope, I just have a better attitude. It could always be worse. Good luck getting out.