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msip313 t1_j43syvp wrote

I couldn’t view the article. So the issue here is the school board banning teachers from displaying or hanging the pride flag in classes, like a math class for instance ?


Pieboy2121 t1_j44w5kl wrote

Yes, because even in a math class, kids need to know that they are accepted and in a safe environment where bullying won’t be tolerated.

Pride flags are not political. People with agendas make them political. Last I checked, members of the LGBTQ+ community were part of all major political parties and span every racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic group.


msip313 t1_j45aj8y wrote

Yeah, I agree pride flags aren’t political, but they also strike me as unrelated to the purpose of math class (math).

Is bullying of LGBTQ+ students in school super prevalent, in your opinion, and if so, do you think the absence of pride flags in classes sends the message that teachers (or those in charge) would tolerate bullying of LGBTQ+ students?


delusions- t1_j4672h6 wrote

Yes and yes.


msip313 t1_j46b6ej wrote

Thank you for the enlightening explanations.

I don’t think bullying of LGBTQ+ students in schools is a super pervasive problem. But regardless, to suggest that a teacher who doesn’t hang a pride flag in class is signaling toleration for LGBTQ+ bullying is quite a perverse and dogmatic way of thinking.


delusions- t1_j46ccfp wrote

You asked two questions and I answered them. You didn't ask for explanations.

No one cares what you think.

In general, but especially because you think that anyone suggested that we were saying

>that a teacher who doesn’t hang a pride flag in class is signaling toleration for LGBTQ+ bullying

The parentheses were the important part of your first statement.

It's not the teacher; it's those in charge, if there's a rule against the flags, it shows that those in charge are they themselves bullying, and not only tolerate it, but push it.


msip313 t1_j46f1h8 wrote

That’s why explanations are helpful. I asked whether the absence of pride flags in classes signals support for LGBTQ+ bullying by teachers or those in charge (i.e., administrators). Your response was “yes”.

I agree pride flags shouldn’t be formally prohibited. I also don’t think any person or institution - be it a teacher, or the school itself - should be required or otherwise pressured to hang a pride flag if they choose not to.


delusions- t1_j47hboc wrote

> should be required or otherwise pressured to hang a pride flag if they choose not to.

Literally no one is or ever has been, they've only been forced to remove it.