Nyurena t1_j45s25e wrote
Reply to comment by persechino218 in Pennsylvania Abortion Clinics Are Seeing an Influx of Out-of-State Patients Seeking Abortion Care by Open_Veins_8
Your fucking people actively degrade the quality of life in any society you infect, but nag to bring more people into it. Less and less are buying your bad faith tactics.
Benanov t1_j48qkls wrote
Fewer and fewer. People are countable.
persechino218 t1_j468ypi wrote
As enticing as it sounds to argue back and forth regarding the sanctity of life with you, I believe you will only bring forth vitriolic emotion as already stated by your choice of language. Please, start your day off right by thanking your mother for her choice in you.
Nyurena t1_j46pxnl wrote
If your people also supported sex education, wasn't attacking ALL birth control, on top of attacking school lunches, making up crt bullshit to ban all manner of books, and siding with theocratic fascist, then people might even believe you're pro life and not just pro fetus. You gqp voters unasked yourselves years ago and deserve to be powerless at minimum.
steelceasar t1_j46zjah wrote
>vitriolic emotion
Says the person with the opinion unsupported by any modern science or medical knowledge.
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