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opskito t1_j5rcijn wrote

Folks on Nextdoor are reporting similarly outrageous bills.

According to one commenter, it’s all due a PPL system glitch. She said—without providing a source—that PPL wants customers to call in an actual reading to get their bill adjusted or pay it and receive credit for the overage.


basement-thug OP t1_j5rercv wrote

Yeah I can't see anything I'm not joining that site.

What I don't understand is they are estimating we used nearly 2k kwh in the last month. We usually use 700 kwh in a month... they're egregiously abusing the latitude to bill an "estimated" amount. My estimated amount should be my average Jan monthly amount, not 3x that much.

How is anyone supposed to get through when they're open 8-5 and hold time is 2 hours? I'll calculate our usage and pay them what I owe them and they can figure it out from there. I'm not paying 3 months of service because they screwed up and play some game to get my money back lol, that ain't how this works jack!

Right now I don't even have a balance yet, so we will see how it goes.