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Stonecutter_12-83 t1_j45m8lx wrote

100 percent true.

There will he huge budget gaps and then people will try to make up for it by cutting programs that help people.

All the natural gas, casinos, and medical cannabis we have and they still can find a balance? Wtf


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j45wpkb wrote

Well we currently have a large surplus in money thanks to Governor Wolf’s leadership. The budget has been handled fantastic the last eight years. A lot still needs fixed so we will have to wait and see what happens under Shapiro.


[deleted] t1_j45x7hx wrote



Joe_Jeep t1_j4620o9 wrote

This boarders on mathematical illiteracy

Your entire argument is utterly insane

No. Fuel being a few cents more expensive will not cause a never ending loop of cost overruns

Your idea is essentially saying most of the cost is from fuel....its not.


[deleted] t1_j463nhn wrote



69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46z73y wrote

> Depending on the job about 20-25% of construction costs are in fuel

Wait, are you saying that people have to pay for what they consume? Fucked up if true.


Alfonze423 t1_j479e7f wrote

Ok, so the fuel costs of a construction project will go up 1%, making the entire thing cost 0.25% more, leaving the fuel price increase in the clear to the tune of 75% of the increase.