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willclerkforfood t1_j45pj1y wrote

…or we can just use it to subsidize old people like we do with every other funding stream in the commonwealth


AbsentEmpire t1_j465hpa wrote

Or we can burn it to continue expanding free state police coverage for mostly Republican townships who are too cheap to pay for thier own police force but like to talk about fiscal responsibility all the time.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j46dyfd wrote

I live in a county where all local police forces have been disbanded. Every single township or borough depends on PSP because they can't afford them, it's ridiculous.


AbsentEmpire t1_j48il62 wrote

If individual townships truly can't afford their own police department, they should be able to apply for state coverage, but be assed a special tax to cover half the cost of the service if they want it.


Allemaengel t1_j45x81v wrote

Hey, hey, hey they're on "fixed incomes" unlike the rest of us moneybags with unlimited funds, lol.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j4ael2k wrote

Or we can give it to one of the biggest group of state legislators in the country who also get a ton of perks, allowances, cost of living increases, and amazing health care during and after serving with a crazy good pension to boot.