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Alfonze423 t1_j47a7ra wrote

Are you in support of increasing income tax and paying for PennDOT out of the general fund? Because that's the trade-off. Other states have higher income taxes and pay for their DOTs as part of the normal budget, while we have the lowest flat income tax in the country and try to fund PennDOT with just fees and gas tax, which the State Police then take.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j49ugqn wrote

We have the lowest FLAT income tax - true. But not by much, nor do we have the lowest income tax. In fact there are several states with NO income tax that do not have the same problems we have involving the gas tax and it’s disposition.

More and higher taxes isn’t always the answer.

Also many states roll state and local taxes into one tax, and the state provides local municipalities with funding. Such as Utah. I was looking at Utah’s taxes since I was contemplating a job out there under my current company - they have a higher state tax, but no city tax. So despite having a higher state tax, I’d save several hundred dollars a month in taxes out there making the same pay.