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JetSetDynasty t1_j48103o wrote

A lot of what your bringing up are issues bigger than PA MMJ.

Look up Civil Forfeiture. It’s terrifying. Cop’s definitely have abused their power to take tons of things for no real legal reason, mainly cash but also including prescriptions they “felt” weren’t proper for whomever they were interacting with.

When transporting any medical marijuana, put it in the trunk. Any cop is going to have a very hard time mounting a case to take it if there is no proof of impairment and you clearly can’t access it while you are driving. Until DUI rules get established for MMJ, this will always be a problem.

Transporting your medicine beyond state lines is a federal issue. Until it’s legal there, even medically, PA can’t do anything for you.

I honestly was not trying to call you a whiny stoner. My point was simply complaining isn’t going to get us any improvements when plenty of people in the state want it gone. They don’t give a shit that we have trouble. They see it as our price of business.

We need to be communicate effectively and efficiently if MMJ is ever going to be treated like any other prescription. Talk to your lawmakers and vote appropriately. That’s the only way shit will change.