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shillyshally t1_j4hf5fk wrote

Same here. If they don't know what went wrong, there is no hope for the PA Republican party and I find that gratifying.


HighEntropy420 t1_j4hfdbp wrote

Honestly, Im afraid for the entire Republican party.


kdeltar t1_j4hlzsc wrote



HighEntropy420 t1_j4hwvij wrote

This type of behavior benefits no one. They need to move on, try better next time.


SuperUltraHyperMega t1_j4jh8dh wrote

This is all they have. Republican politics only benefit the wealthy and those well off enough to not feel economic pinches. Their rich sponsors have gutted the middle class so the only people left are the religious militants and racists. Everyone else is filled with apathy.